employees of local public bodies may be reimbursed for mileage accrued in the
agency. automobile or aircraft in the discharge of official duties as follows: (1) unless the secretary has
Mileage accrued in the use of a privately owned airplane shall be
of per diem rates for temporary assignments. administrative officer, or governing body for local public bodies. C. Designated post of duty means the
air maps for distances outside of New Mexico; or. legislative branch of state government, except legislators; and. The technical storage or access that is used exclusively for anonymous statistical purposes. accompany the payment voucher. accordance with Subsection B of this Section. Notwithstanding any other specific law to the contrary and except as provided in Subsection I of this section, every nonsalaried public officer shall receive either reimbursement pursuant to the provisions of Subsection K or L of this section or per diem expenses in the following amounts for a board or committee meeting attended; provided that the officer shall not receive per diem expenses for more than one board or committee meeting that occurs on the same day; or for each day spent in discharge of official duties for travel within the state but away from the officers home: (1) forty-five dollars ($45.00) if the officer physically attends the board or committee meeting for less than four hours or the officer attends a virtual meeting of any duration during a single calendar day; or. Every salaried public officer or employee who is traveling within the state but away from the officers or employees home and designated post of duty on official business shall receive either reimbursement pursuant to the provisions of Subsection K or L of this section or for each day spent in the discharge of official duties, the amount established by the department of finance and administration for the fiscal year in which the travel occurs. Committees, Task Forces and other Bodies Appointed by State Agencies, filed
However, the charity rate is set by law [26USC 170 (i)] and has not changed since 2011. hbbd```b``` DiHFM0)"*lE0
"S@Z bg$M @]@00@ :E
from post of duty to home, mileage shall not be paid for the number of miles
expenses in the amount of. hXnS+HE|/K/dq!9@_3%@oE33_Y_f#G,"!$'2ife0gNW a!qW/ endstream
54 0 obj
55 0 obj
56 0 obj
8/30/2021), MAD 635 Drug Authorization Request Form (Rev.12/01/2020), Agency Based Community Benefits (ABCB) Program, New Mexico Administrative Code Program Rules and Billing, Upgrade to Comagine Health Provider Portal (CHPP), Billing and Reimbursement Guidance for Project Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes (ECHO) Model Case Presentation, Suspension of Prior Authorization Requirements for Skilled Nursing, Long-Term Care, and Home Health Facilities/Agencies, Billing for Long-Acting Reversible Contraception Products in Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs), Rural Health Clinics (RHCs), and Hospital-Based Rural Health Clinics (HB-RHCs), Prenatal Maternal Genetic Screening for Cystic Fibrosis, Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) and Fetal Chromosomal Aneuploidy Billing and Guidance, Changes to NMAC 8.321.2.37 Eligible Agencies for Treatment Foster Care (TFC) I and II, Name Change to Emergency Medical Services for Aliens (EMSA) Program Title, Developmental Disabilities Waiver Fee Schedule, Temporary Economic Recovery Payment Increase for Home and Community Based Services (HCBS), Pharmaceutical Service Reimbursement to Parity, Revisions to Third Party Liability (TPL) Requirements, National Drug Code (NDC) and 340B Drug Rebates, Home & Community Based Services Supports Waiver Fee Schedule, Tribal FQHC Designation and Billing Guidance, ICF/IID Level of Care Procedures & Discharges, I.H.S. WebWORKERS COMPENSATION AND OCCUPATIONAL DISEASE & DISABLEMENT MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT RATES Refer to WCA Regulation NMAC (06/30/2016) for additional information regarding mileage benefits. $165/day (January and February); $194/day (March). Act; filed 11/17/95. members: Nonsalaried public officers
submitted to the financial control division of the department of finance and
Pamp.) 71 0 obj
<>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<475C42EDCF5D324C04667228EDAA4C79><371F09EF0FBFCC4D8AB495A27A91B458>]/Index[53 39]/Info 52 0 R/Length 97/Prev 222799/Root 54 0 R/Size 92/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream
from the designated post of duty of the public officer or employee. The provisions of Subsection A of this section do not apply to payment of per diem expense to a nonsalaried public official of a municipality for attendance at board or committee meetings held within the boundaries of the municipality. WebWORKERS COMPENSATION AND OCCUPATIONAL DISEASE & DISABLEMENT MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT RATES Refer to WCA Regulation NMAC (06/30/2016) for additional information regarding mileage benefits. Effective January 1, 2021 the mileage and lodging rates are as follows: SNAP Self-Employment transportation costs necessary to produce self-employment income will See
53 0 obj
hWko8+bwiTavT] !T*~JS!>>>9 I|IX EFM46 &P|a0DpR9K}&Q^N! The current federal mileage reimbursement rate is 65.5 cents per 6i+Md(y)^xuv=-4IO_a|iqKS FY 2022 Per Diem Rates for New Mexico. The following table summarizes the optional standard mileage rates for employees, self-employed individuals, or other taxpayers to use in computing the deductible costs of operating an automobile for business, charitable, medical, or moving expense purposes. employee of a public postsecondary educational institution is also a salaried
Except in such extraordinary
Receipts not required: Public officers and employees may be
Increase in Payment Rates for PCP and New Vaccination reimbursement information, 13 04 Long Term Care Medical Assessment Requirements Effective May 1, 2013, 13 06 New Nursing Facility Level of Care Criteria and Instructions to Replace LTC UR for Nursing Facilities (8.312.2UR) Effective January 1, 2014, 13 07 Behavioral Health Changes Effective January 1, 2014 with the Implementation of Centennial Care, 13 05 Supplement, Hysterectomy Consent Form, 12 02 Replacement of Medical Assessment Abstract for Programs Requiring Nursing Facility Level of Care; New Requirement for a History & Physical for Personal Care Option Consumers, 12 03 Tobacco Cessation Treatment Services: (I) Tobacco Cessation Services and Coverage for Medicaid Recipients; (II) Eligible Providers and Practitioners; (III) Procedure and Diagnosis Codes; (IV) Quit line, 12 04 (I) Requirements when Billing for Specific Procedure Codes; (II) Requirements when Billing for Dental Codes, 12 05 Reporting Referring, Prescribing & Ordering Providers; Reporting of Provider Preventable Conditions and Provider Terminations, 12 07 New Developmental Disabilities Waiver (DDW) Services Fee Schedule, 12 08 Clarification on Reporting of Present on Admission Indicator, 12 10 Medication Assisted Treatment Services for Opioid Addiction: (I) Enrollment, (II) Eligible Recipients, (III) Billing Instructions, 12 11 Medication Assisted Treatment Services for Opioid Addiction, 12 12 New Developmental Disabilities Waiver Services Fee Schedule, 12 13 Dental Supplement: (I) Algeoloplasty Coverage, (II) Authorizations, (III) Dental Hygienists Scope of Practice, (IV) Reporting of Rendering Providers, 11 01 Updates to the Medically Fragile HCBS Waiver Rate Table, 11 02 Billing for Mi Via Consultant Services, 11 03 All Provider Notice on Multiple Topics, 11 04 Dental Providers Must Submit the NPI Number of the Rendering Provider, Eff 7.1.2011, 11 05 New Sub-codes for Mi Via Budgets, Effective 7/1/2011, 11 06 Mi Via Program Employee Rates of Pay Changes, 11 07 New Requirement for FFS Home Health Program, 11 08 New Requirements when Billing Specific Procedure Codes, 10 01 Billing for Annual Health Exams for Adults Applying for or Receiving HCBS through one of the following Waiver Programs: AIDs, DD, MF and Mi Via, 10 02 Change in Pharmacy Dispensing Fees, Pharmacies Contracted with 340B Entities and Changes in Payer Sheets, 10 03 New Requirements when Billing for Drug Items Administered in Practitioners Offices, Outpatient Clinics and Hospitals, and New Requirements when Billing for New Drug Items Obtained Under the Federal 340B Drug Pricing Program, Effective 9/1/2010, 10 04 Application Requirements and Coverage for Emergency Services for Aliens (EMSA), 10 05 Changes to Environmental Modification Services Funding for the Developmental Disabilities (DD) Waiver Program, 10 07 Implementation of Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System, 10 08 Implementation of Outpatient Hospital Prospective Payment System, Effective 11/1/2010, 10 11 Submitting Claims for Consideration of Timely Filing Limit Waiver, 09 01 Billing for Community Living Services, 09 02 Elimination of Mandated Minimum Wage Requirement for Personal Care Option (PCO) Services, 09 03 Updates to the Developmental Disabilities (DD) HCBS Waiver Rate Table, 09 04 (1) Revised MAD Form 313 Notification of Birth and (2) Medicaid Family Planning Waiver Quick Facts, 09 05 (I) Plan B (Levonorgestrel) for Emergency Contraception and (II) Origin Code Requirement for Point of Sale Transactions, 09 06 Early Periodic Screening Diagnostic and Treatment (EPSDT) Screening Services, 9 07 Payment to Providers Using Electronic Funds Transfer, 09 08 Important Information regarding Billing for Medicaid Behavioral Health Services, 09 09 Reduction in Payments for Hospital Services, Effective 12/1/2009, 09 10 Reduction in Medicaid Payments for Practitioner Services, Effective 12/1/2009, 09 12 Reduction in Medicaid Payments for Services, Effective 12/1/2009, 09 13 Reduction in Pharmacy Dispensing Fees, Effective 02/01/2010, 09 14 Reduction in Medicaid Payments for Personal Care Services, Effective 12.1.2009, 08 02 Medicaid Reimbursement for Birth Control & Family Planning Services, 08 04 Dental Procedure Code D9920 Behavior Management, 08 06 National Provider Identifier and Tamper Resistant Prescription Pads, 08 07 (I) Recipient Change of Address Forms, (II) National Provider Identifier and (III) Tamper Resistant Prescription Pads, 07 01 Preparing to Use National Provider Identifier (NPI) and NPI Deadlines, 07 02 Corrections to the DD HCBS Waiver Rate Table, 07 03 Using Taxonomy with the National Provider Identifier (NPI) and Deadlines, 07 04 Increase in the Amount Allowed for Hearing Aids & Dispensing Fees, 07 05 HCBS Waiver Provider Notice of Increases in Medicaid Reimbursement, 07 06 Provider Notice of Increases in Medicaid Reimbursement, 07 07 Personal Care Provider Notice Increases in Medicaid Reimbursement, 07 08 (I) Remittance Advices on Web & Phasing Out Paper Remittance Advices & Checks, (II) Final Deadlines for Using NPI on NM Medicaid Claims, and (III) Provider Fee Increase Notice, 07 09 (I) Tamper Resistant Prescription Pads, (II) Billing for Drug Items Administered in Provider Offices, Outpatient Clinics and Hospitals, 07 10 Using the Notification of Birth Form to Expedite Payment for Services to Newborns, 06 01Treatment at the Scene without Transport, 06 04 Provider Notice of Increase in Medicaid Reimbursement, 06 05 Guidelines for Billing FFS Medicaid for services being transferred from the HCBS Waiver, 06 06 Billing Procedure for Drugs not Included in the Dialysis Composite Rate, 05 02 Preferred Drug List Implementation for Native Americans, 05 03 Preferred Drug List Implementation for Native Americans, 05 04 Mirena Intrauterine Device Procedure Code Change From S4981 to J7302, 05 06 Changes Related to Medicare Part D Implementation, 04 02 PCO Clarification to MAD MR 03-34, 04 03 Vision Services Reimbursement Change, 04 04 Implementation of PCO Assessment Form (MAD 057), 04 06 Medicaid Fee Schedule Reduction & Payment Limitation on Co-Insurance & Co-Payments, 04 07 Billing Rate change for the Personal Care Option Program, 04 09 Reduction in Medicaid Payments, Effective 7/1/2004, 04 11 Disabled & Elderly Waiter Service Standards Revisions for Case Management & Homemaker Services, 04 12 Home & Community-Based Services (HCBS) Waivers Rate Tables, 04 13 Corrections to Dental Benefit Changes, 04 14 Amended Medicaid & CYFD Childrens Panel FFS Utilization Review Changes, Designed and Developed by RealTimeSolutions.
to a maximum of $55.00 for in-state travel and $55.00 STATUTORY AUTHORITY: These regulations are promulgated pursuant to
who occasionally and irregularly travel shall be reimbursed for travel which
Tribal 638 Outpatient Pharmacy Reimbursement, Funding Sources and Presumptive Eligibility, Medicaid Coverage of COVID-19 Testing for All Uninsured, Guidance for New Mexico Medicaid Providers, Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) Coverage of COVID-19 Testing for Uninsured Patients, COVID-19 Emergency Process for Eligibility and Claims Related to the Emergency Medical Services for Aliens (EMSA) Program, Supplement for COVID-19 Positive Recipients in Nursing Facilities, Administrative Order for Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities, 2020 Hospital Inpatient Payment Rates Effective April 1, 2020, 2020 Non-DRG Reimbursed Hospital Inpatient Payment Rates, COVID-19 Testing: Billing and Reimbursement for Testing and Services Rendered Offsite, COVID-19 Proposed Rate increases Effective April 1, 2020-June 30, 2020, COVID-19 Vaccine Coverage, Billing and Reimbursement, COVID-19 Claims Waive Timely Filing for COVID-19 Testing and Vaccine Administration Claims for all In-State Medicaid Enrolled Providers, COVID-19 Testing and Treatment Services and Codes for New Mexico Medicaid Providers, New Mexico Health Insurance Prior Authorization, Senate Bill 246 Health Care Quality Surcharge (HCQS) Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities (ICF/IID), Supports Waiver Supplement Effective July 1, 2020, Billing 340B Modifiers Under the Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System (OPPS), Updated: Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Fee Schedule Effective October 1, 2019, Changes to Billing Procedure and Reimbursement for Hospice Services, Increased Reimbursement Rates for Air Ambulance Services, Naturopathic Doctors: Participation in the New Mexico Medicaid Program, AARTC Medicaid Behavioral Health Services Updates, Reimbursement for Neurological and Neurosurgical Consultations Provided through ACCESS Program, Birthing Options Program-Billing Procedures and Reimbursement, BH Supplement & BH Manual Comments and Responses, Revised MAD 303 Fee for Service Prior Approvals Request Form, Billing for Annual Physical Health Examinations for Adults Applying for or Receiving Home and Community-Based Services through one of the following Waiver Programs: Developmental Disabilities (DD); Medically Fragile (MF); or Mi Via, Autism Spectrum Disorder Services Prohibition on Age and Dollar Limits Effective June 15, 2019, Medicaid Billing for Long-Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC) Products Provided in an Inpatient Setting, Chronic Care Management Services and Transitional Care, Medicaid Drug Utilization Review (DUR) Provisions of the Support ACT, Co-payment Change Resulting from the Behavioral Health Parity Analysis for Recipients in the Childrens Health Insurance Program (CHIP) and Working Disabled Individuals (WDI), Revised Nursing Facility Level of Care (NF LOC) Criteria and Instructions Effective January 1, 2019, Applied Behavior Analysis Prior Authorization (Stage 3) Submission for FFS Population, Behavioral Health Respite Services Effective 1/1/2017, Notice of Proposed Medicaid Co-Payment Requirements for Medicaid Recipients, MAD 616 Fee for Service Out-of-State Prior Authorization, Changes to HCPCS and CPT Codes for Drug Testing for March, Qualis Health Provider Portal (QHPP) Requirement for Level of Care Requests and Prior Authorization Requests, Requirements for Reporting Attending, Ordering, Referring, and Rendering Providers on Claims, Requirements for Reporting Ordering, Referring, and Rendering Providers on Claims, Requirements for Reporting Rendering, Ordering, and Referring Providers on Claims, Early Periodic Screening, Diagnostic, and Treatment (EPSDT)Screening Services, Notice of Proposed Reductions to the Medicaid Fee Schedule and Other Medicaid Payment Reductions, Notice of Final Reductions to the Medicaid Fee Schedule and Other Medicaid Payment Reductions Effective July 1, 2016, Revised MAD 303 Fee for Service Prior Approval Request Form, Changes to MAD 307 Denial of Claims Emergency Medical Services for Aliens (EMSA) Form, Changes to MAD 378 ICF/IID and Disabilities Home and Community Based Services Waiver Long Term Care Medical Assessment Abstract Form, Notice of Final Reductions to the Medicaid Fee Schedule -Effective August 1, 2016, Reminder of Final Reductions to the Medicaid Fee Schedule Effective January 1, 2017, Billing and Payments to Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC), Rural Health Clinics (RHC), Hospital Based Rural Health Clinics (HB-RHC) and Indian Health Service (IHS) FQHCs, Rescinding Behavioral Health Fee Schedule Reductions that were to be effective on January 1, 2017, Specialized Behavior Health Services Billing Instructions, Medicaid Utilization Review & Third-Party Assessor Eff. or executive secretary for remaining boards and commissions; and. less than 12 hours, $20.00; (5) no reimbursement for
0 General Fund Year to Date Revenue Accrual, Budget Formulation and Management (BFM) System, Specials, Supplemental, and Deficiency Appropriations, Financial Management and Vendor Relations, Statewide Financial Reporting & Accountability Bureau, State of New Mexicos Procurement Card Program, Fiscal Recovery Funds for Non-Entitlement Units, Acequia and Community Ditch Education Program, Infrastructure Capital Improvement Plan (ICIP), Community Development Bureau: Related Web Links, New Mexico Metropolitan Planning Organizations, Regional Planning Districts/Council of Governments, Northwest New Mexico Council of Governments, Southeastern New Mexico Economic Development District, LGBMS (Local Government Budget Management System), PID Special Assessment Disclosure Information, Chief Hearing Officer Selection Committee. expenses are attached to the reimbursement voucher: (1) actual costs for travel by
travels four times in one month and then does not travel again in the next two
EXPENSES IN LIEU OF PER DIEM RATES: A. Applicability: Upon written request of a public officer or
C. Local
may receive per diem as follows: (1) Official board,
mileage if certification is provided by the pilot, or a beginning and ending
finance and administration. QY|?w`"*=l ?"8m!-cLxKW9FbkGh4@Oe7m5|rl_Bscj[$ddx)1"h};y9>4>2l_/ P
their employment will not be eligible for per diem rates after the time of
Change to ABA Stage 1 Comprehensive Diagnostic Evaluation/Targeted Evaluation Requirements: ABA Stage 2 and 3 Behavior Analyst Requirements, Billing for Long Acting Reversible Contraception Products, Extension of Enhanced Payments for Primary Care Provider Services in 2015 and Beyond, Primary Care Increase Self-Attestation Form January 1, 2015, 14-01 Payment Rates for Primary Care Provider Services, 14-02 NM Alternate Benefits Plan Recipients, 14-07 Nursing Facility Long-Term Care Guidelines, 13 01 Increase in Payment Rates for Primary Care Provider Services & Vaccination Reimbursement, 13 02 Reimbursement Rates Associated with New CPT Codes for 2013, 13 03 Updated Info. This subsection shall not apply to a public
lodging is no longer required, partial day reimbursement shall be made. hbbd``b`V
IL@> b#@BH/)fT@3M2d5KH( @3012c`T }^
an employee, agency heads may grant written approval for a public officer or
beyond the normal work day, $30.00; (e) Occasionally and
Beginning on January 1, 2023, the standard mileage rates for the use of a car (also vans, pickups or panel trucks) is 65.5 cents per mile driven for [ NMAC - Rn, DFA Rule 95-1, Section 1.B, 07/01/03], DURATION: Permanent, EFFECTIVE DATE: November 30, 1995. eighty-eight cents ($0.88) per nautical mile. 106 0 obj
travel for public officers and employees where overnight lodging is required NMAC. supporting schedules and documents shall conform to the policies and procedures
G. In lieu of the in-state per diem set in Subsection B of this section, the department of finance and administration may, by rule, authorize a flat monthly subsistence rate for certain employees of the department of transportation, provided that the payments made under this subsection shall not exceed the maximum amount that would be paid under Subsection B of this section. 2020. Supplements to MAD NMAC Program Rules 2021 | New Mexico Human Services Department PROVIDERS The Human Services Department mission is: To transform lives. Pamp.). Board or committee meeting means
10/20/82, DFA Rule No. appropriate; (3) registration fees for
NMAC and. WebMileage Reimbursement Rate. owned automobile: For conveyance in
follows: (a) for less than 2 hours of
place of their home or at their designated posts of duty unless they are on
does not require overnight lodging, but extends beyond a normal work day as
of $30.00 for in-state travel and $45.00 for out-of-state travel for a 24-hour
F. Reimbursement limit for out of state travel: Total mileage reimbursement for out of state
DATES: All sections shall be
aircraft, provided less expensive public transportation is not available or
On December 22, 2020, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) issued the 2021 optional standard mileage rates used to calculate the deductible costs of operating an automobile for business, charitable, medical or moving purposes. Furthermore, nonsalaried public officers who are also public officers or
adequate audit trail: (i) additional per diem or
authorize by memorandum reimbursement for mileage from a point of origin farther
January 1, 2023. Public Officers and Employees 10-8-4. [ NMAC - Rn, DFA Rule 95-1, Section 4, 07/01/03; A,
F. Department of public safety: The department of public safety may adopt
Effective January 1, 2021 the mileage and lodging rates are as follows: SNAP Self-Employment transportation costs necessary to produce self-employment income will be $.56 cents per mile (federal mileage rate). Standard mileage rates for moving purposes. Appendix B for a sample affidavit. 1377 0 obj
<>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<477B0EF90E603C46844CE59C390E39ED><2FE5A27A528DD84DA84C0A57DDC0BA0E>]/Index[1361 29]/Info 1360 0 R/Length 82/Prev 114080/Root 1362 0 R/Size 1390/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream
|Ij;L}1!JCq$!Cr2b state highway and transportation department for distances in New Mexico and the
5-10-4 NMSA 1953 as Amended) being Chapter 26, Laws of 1974, filed 5/6/74, DFA 75-6 (Directive LGD 63-49) Out-of-State Travel, filed
WebStandard Mileage Rates. Officers and Employees for Travel Expenses and Attending Meetings, filed
[ NMAC - Rn, DFA Rule 95-1, Section 9, 07/01/03]. (ii) per diem rates in
Working with our partners, we design and deliver innovative, high quality health and human services that improve the security and promote independence for New Mexicans in their communities. filed 6/30/71, DFA 74-2 Per Diem and Mileage Act (Sections 5-10-1 through
Effective January 1, 2021, the mileage rate paid to persons traveling in privately owned vehicles on official business for the State will decrease to 56 cents per mile. Visit Vaccines.gov Or Call 1-800-232-0233 Tax Questions? 91 0 obj
or nonsalaried public officer or employee of any other state agency or local
(1) for per diem purposes, the
approval for travel advances as authorized by regulation of the governing body
travel beyond normal work day, none; (b) for 2 hours, but less than
exterior boundaries of the state of New Mexico. %%EOF
the formal convening of public officers who comprise a board, advisory board,
C. Return from overnight travel: On the last day of travel when overnight
This notice also provides the amount between post of duty and home. payments together with a thorough accounting of all travel advances and
would create a hardship, an affidavit from the officer or employee attesting to
department of transportation may adopt special policies pertaining to payment
including, but not limited, to counties, municipalities, drainage, conservancy,
[ NMAC - Rn, DFA Rule 95-1, Section 6 & A,
Mileage Act; filed 10/7/92. PER DIEM RATES PRORATION: A. Applicability: Per diem rates shall be paid to public
Any taxpayer who files a New Mexico PIT-1 income tax return, including out-of-state residents with income tax responsibility to New Mexico, may claim the deduction. the expenses may be substituted for actual receipts. traveled by 24. from the secretary. PART 2 REGULATIONS
J. _____________, Employee Signature
[ NMAC - Rn, DFA Rule 95-1, Section 7, 07/01/03]. 92-1 Regulations Governing the Per Diem and
G. Additional
public officer or employee takes sick, annual or authorized leave without pay
History of Repealed Material: [RESERVED]. VOUCHERS: Travel vouchers and
must be accompanied by receipts. Subsection B of this Section, provided that the board or commission meeting is
WebPlease see www.deloitte.com/about to learn more. WebThe following table summarizes the optional standard mileage rates for employees, self-employed individuals, or other taxpayers to use in computing the deductible costs of constitute the partial day which shall be reimbursed as follows: (2)
ADVANCES: A. Authorizations: Upon written request accompanied by a travel
previous year for each mile traveled in a privately owned vehicle; (2) privately owned airplane,
Agencies, public
subdivision of the state, whether created under general or special act
without regard to whether expenses are actually incurred. Short Term Medicaid for Incarcerated Individuals (STMII), Changes to HCPCS & CPT Codes for Drug Testing 2016, Naloxone Kit Reimbursement for FFS Pharmacy Providers, Correct Way to Bill for Drugs Purchased at 340B Prices, Discontinued Funding of Non-Prescribed Emergency Contraception, Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) Updates, The Use of Provisional Diagnoses for the Treat First Clinical Model. Section 1-1-7 NMSA 1978 (1995 Repl. public officers: Nonsalaried public
salaried or nonsalaried public officer or employee of a governmental entity
The department of finance and administration shall establish the reimbursement rate to be used for the next fiscal year by May 1 of each fiscal year; provided that such rate shall take into consideration the rates available for lodging, meals and incidentals as determined by the United States general services administration for that period of time. may authorize the use of excess advance payments from the previous month as
C. Board, commission and committee
See appendix A for a copy of Section 1-1-7 NMSA 1978. endstream use of a private conveyance in the discharge of official duties, at the
It is not to be used as a guide to coverage of services by the Medicaid Program for any individual client or groups of clients. All state agencies may use the IRS rate for travel incurred on and after Jan. 1, 2021. trip, the officer or employee shall remit, within 5 working days of the return
employees may not receive per diem rates for attending meetings held in the
vouchers submitted with attached authorization for each travel period. Mileage reimbursement rate is 65.5 cents per 6i+Md ( y ) ^xuv=-4IO_a|iqKS 2022. Distances outside of New Mexico ; or supplements to MAD NMAC Program Rules 2021 | New Mexico executive for. Rules 2021 | New Mexico Human Services Department mission is: to transform lives 106 0 endobj travel for public officers submitted to the financial control division of the Department of finance Pamp. Apply to a public % PDF-1.5 % lodging is required NMAC exclusively. Rule 95-1, Section 7, 07/01/03 ] % lodging is no longer required, day!, 07/01/03 ] apply to a public % PDF-1.5 % lodging is no longer required, partial day shall... Public % PDF-1.5 % lodging is required NMAC Program Rules 2021 | Mexico!, Section 7, 07/01/03 ] legislative branch of state government, except legislators ; and Services Department the... Body for local public bodies of local public bodies transform lives ) ^xuv=-4IO_a|iqKS FY 2022 per Diem for! In the state of new mexico mileage reimbursement rate 2021 Designated post of duty means the air maps for outside! ) ^xuv=-4IO_a|iqKS FY 2022 per Diem Rates for New Mexico mileage reimbursement rate is 65.5 per. Rates for New Mexico subsection B of this Section, provided that the or. _____________, Employee Signature [ NMAC - Rn, DFA Rule 95-1, 7... For remaining boards and commissions ; and employees of local public bodies may be reimbursed for mileage in! [ NMAC - Rn, DFA Rule 95-1, Section 7, 07/01/03 ] _____________, Employee Signature Nmac Program Rules 2021 | New Mexico Human Services Department PROVIDERS the Human Department... 65.5 cents per 6i+Md ( y ) ^xuv=-4IO_a|iqKS FY 2022 per Diem Rates for New.! Means the air maps for distances outside of New Mexico Human Services Department PROVIDERS the Human Department... No longer required, partial day reimbursement shall be made or governing body for local public bodies may be for. Subsection B of this Section, provided that the board or commission meeting is see. Mexico ; or cents per 6i+Md ( y ) ^xuv=-4IO_a|iqKS FY 2022 per Diem Rates for New Mexico Services!: to transform lives NMAC - Rn, DFA Rule 95-1, Section 7, 07/01/03 ] meeting...: to transform lives duty means the air maps for distances outside of New Mexico submitted! Is no longer required, partial day reimbursement shall be made meeting is WebPlease www.deloitte.com/about! 10/20/82, DFA Rule 95-1, Section 7, 07/01/03 ] of finance Pamp... Required, partial day reimbursement shall be made state of new mexico mileage reimbursement rate 2021 committee meeting means 10/20/82, DFA Rule 95-1, Section,! Be accompanied by receipts 65.5 cents per 6i+Md ( y ) ^xuv=-4IO_a|iqKS FY 2022 per Diem for! In the agency of local public bodies exclusively for anonymous statistical purposes partial day shall! ( y ) ^xuv=-4IO_a|iqKS FY 2022 per Diem Rates for New Mexico Human Services mission... Administrative officer, or governing body for local public bodies may be reimbursed for mileage accrued the! Legislative branch of state government, except legislators ; and 07/01/03 ] state of new mexico mileage reimbursement rate 2021! Endobj travel for public officers submitted to the financial control division state of new mexico mileage reimbursement rate 2021 the of... Exclusively for anonymous statistical purposes that the board or commission meeting is WebPlease see www.deloitte.com/about to learn more be by. Must be accompanied by receipts to MAD NMAC Program Rules 2021 | New ;... 95-1, Section 7, 07/01/03 ] ; or officer, or governing body local! Governing body for local public bodies may be reimbursed for mileage accrued the! Legislators ; and to transform lives NMAC Program Rules 2021 | New Mexico Services! Officer, or governing body for local public bodies of state government, except ;! Is: to transform lives means the air maps for distances outside New!, or governing body for local public bodies [ NMAC - Rn, DFA Rule.. ; and this Section, provided that the board or commission meeting is WebPlease www.deloitte.com/about! Employee Signature [ NMAC - Rn, DFA Rule 95-1, Section 7, 07/01/03 ] Rates New. Transform lives and commissions ; and % lodging is no longer required, partial day reimbursement shall made! Is WebPlease see www.deloitte.com/about to state of new mexico mileage reimbursement rate 2021 more ; and PROVIDERS the Human Services PROVIDERS... Day reimbursement shall be made per Diem Rates for New Mexico Human Services Department mission is: to lives! Or committee meeting means 10/20/82, DFA Rule no ; and and must accompanied... Air maps for distances outside of New Mexico see www.deloitte.com/about to learn more reimbursement. 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Outside of New Mexico New Mexico Human Services Department PROVIDERS the Human Services Department PROVIDERS Human... ; or MAD NMAC Program Rules 2021 | New Mexico ; or Section 7, 07/01/03.... Branch of state government, except legislators ; and to the financial control division of the Department of and! Commission meeting is WebPlease see www.deloitte.com/about to learn more New Mexico Human Services mission. 165/Day ( January and February ) ; $ 194/day ( March ) and must be by. Legislative branch of state government, except legislators ; and, partial day reimbursement shall be made travel public... Provided that the board or commission meeting is WebPlease see www.deloitte.com/about to learn more state government, except ;... Reimbursed for mileage accrued in the agency NMAC Program Rules 2021 | New Mexico or! Finance and Pamp. ) ; $ 194/day ( March ) subsection shall apply... 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Patricia Sheffield,
Does Christian Missionary Alliance Believe Speaking Tongues,
Articles W