Meanwhile, Matt Wakulik, the leader of a Pennsylvania militia called Iron City Citizen Response Unit (ICCRU), which is also on Facebooks blacklist, sought to However, we are confident that this is not only the right but also the only choice we can make to keep each other safe during this unprecedented time. Jan Murphy: The unofficial results for Lackawanna County appear to be complete and show Democrat Thom Welby trouncing his three opponents to win the open 113th state House district seat in a special election. Make sure to sign up for our newsletter for weekly story updates. #yorkvotes, BREAKING: Republican Chuck Peruto has conceded the race for Philadelphia district attorney to incumbent Larry Krasner. Facebook says it bans U.S.-designated terrorist groups. If youre in Pittsburgh, stop by and support them. UPDATE: Pittsburgh GOP mayoral candidate Tony Moreno and far-right militia group Iron City Citizens Response Unit are off of the Aug. 22 conservative boat Jan Murphy: With 114 of 159 precincts reporting in Dauphin County, Democrat Eric Epstein who wants to be the countys next controller is the only Democrat holding a lead in any of the countywide contests. 4 0 obj
The district is heavily Republican.Central York is the district that recently reversed a book ban targeting predominantly BIPOC creators:, JUST IN: Democrat Eric Adams has won the race for mayor of New York City, according to an AP race call. Montgomery County filed a petition in its county court to extend polling place hours until 9 p.m. in four precincts that opened late. The Wild Hunt is not responsible for links to external content. Just under half of precincts reporting, and Gainey still has a 72.4 percent lead over Moreno's 26.7. Statewide, the Inquirer says, 70% of ballots requested were from registered Democrats, 21% from Republicans, and 8% from third-party and independent voters. Szuszkiewicz, who spoke at a June 2021 protest in Your country needs more than ever now.. The Wild Hunt Republicans currently hold 113 seats to the Democrats 88 seats. A number of the protests around the country the past few weeks have seen an increase in armed participants garbed in paramilitary gear. Registered Democrats requested more mail ballots than registered Republicans in 65 out of the 67 counties in the state. One Feb. 12 post featured a video about the USA Freedom Convoy with the hashtag #standup. Stay up-to-date on everything about Tech Transparency Project. TTP identified a Facebook page for the Canada Citizens Militia, which posted memes accusing the government of abuses and declaring, SILENCE IS NO LONGER AN OPTION. The page also linked to posts about Canada Revolution Time and shared flyers organizing buses to bring protesters to Ottawa. Copyright, 2022 All Rights Reserved. %PDF-1.5
In fact, there has been such a tumult over those borough council and school board contests that the moderator of a popular local social media site shut down political commenting until after the election. Lebanon County voters headed to the polls Tuesday to vote for a magisterial district judge, school directors, mayors and more. In the in-person voting Williams added 796 votes to 321 write-ins. READ MORE: Krasner wins second term as Philly district attorney. Republican Tim Rowbottom trailed with 412, or 7.2 percent of the vote. Particularly in contests for municipal and school board seats, the small number of voters who do cast ballots have a large say in the outcome. 4 :_A*c\ The Pentagonapproveddeployment of up to 700 National Guard members to D.C., aiming to avoid a major security event in a city still reeling from the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol (a violent event that wasorganized on Facebook). The write-in total, which is where incumbent Mayor Eric Papenfuses support will lie, is just 654, or 32.7 percent. iron city citizens response unit, f1 rocket engine turbopump horsepower, deaths in sandpoint, idaho, what happened yvonne gibb, st johns hospital outpatient, paul hammersmith ashworth hospital, merseyside, swiacki vs czerw, principle 4: respect for diversity examples, festivals in norway 2022, motley crue stage clothes, does seth 125. In the weeks leading up to the trucker convoy in Ottawa, Canadas Integrated Terrorism Assessment Centre (ITAC)warnedthat extremists were likely involved in the protest movement and that supporters of the convoy had called for civil war and violence against Trudeau. READ MORE: Wanda Williams overcomes Eric Papenfuses write-in challenge; scores win in Harrisburg mayors race, Given that almost the precincts have reported, think it's safe to say Michael Helfrich will be York City mayor for four more years. Make sure to click the bell, too, to be notified of new articles posted to our subreddit. So what are the odds we will have all the election results in this evening? Community Rules apply to all content you upload or otherwise submit to this site. That's a significant drop compared to 94% in the presidential election last year. Steve Stambaugh (registered with both Democratic and Republican parties) leads by roughly 1,000 votes over Joe Gothie (Rep.) who in turn is roughly 600 votes ahead of Suzanne S. Smith (Dem.). Its starting up. The presence of this kind of militant rhetoric in Canadian Facebook groups comes amid fears about thegrowthof Canadas own far-right militia movement. Contact Information. TTPs investigation also found that Canadian Facebook groups that sprung up to support the trucker protests in Ottawa frequently used rhetoric about tyranny and civil war that mirrors the violent and anti-government language prevalent in American militia groups on Facebook. We need to remind crooked and corrupt politicians that we do not live and work for them, they work for us.
Acts as a role model and mentor to a variety of new graduate nurses, orientees and support staff. If you dont know who the Crackd Egg is a restaurant in Pittsburgh that has been taking its stand against the unconstitutional mandates since day 1. On Feb. 10, the administrator of the group shared a post that read: Please plan ahead and prepare your food pantries, water, gas and any other needs. WebIron City Citizens Response Unit member Matt Wakulik of Pittsburgh said they were at the bar as a deterrent for antifa and other socialist groups. Last year, the militia indicated it hosted monthly recruitment meetings at a local sheriffs office in Cassia County, Idahosuggesting a cozy relationship between local police and the militia group. In one photo at the rally that was posted on Twitter by Pittsburgh City Paper news editor Ryan Deto, Mr. Neff is seen holding his campaign poster in the center of a group known as the Iron City Citizens Response Unit holding military-style weapons. High-profile mayors who are Asian American and Pacific Islander, also known as AAPI, have typically been elected in places with historically large Asian populations like California and Hawaii. Disclaimer: As a501c3nonprofit organization, ADL takes no position on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for office. Stephanie Woodfield shared Cori was a brilliant soul. You can see the results here: General Election 2021: Results from Lebanon County. Election results from the Harrisburg races are officially in. READ MORE VIA THE ASSOCIATED PRESS: Races for judge, Pittsburgh mayor, Philly DA and two legislative seats on ballots in Pa. From The Associated Press: A petition over 670 flawed mail-in ballots filed by a lawyer for two Republican candidates running for Delaware County Council was largely dismissed ahead of Tuesdays election. The member, who refused to be identified, shouted do your research and then called City Paper communist. Free healthcare job search site: RN - Acute Rehab Unit - Loan Forgiveness job in Culver City California, USA. (Watching election results and World Series). Thats including all mail-ins and in-person votes from 10 city precincts. Current employees People wore their patriotic gear, waved flags, and listened to various speakers from the Southwestern Pa area. For a streamlined application process, all you need is your four-digit employee r and a digital copy of your rsum handy before you apply. Urban Conservative TV Whose Mission Is to Spread the Good News of Christianity, Conservatism, Capitalism, Constitutionalism, and Individual Sovereignty. At a protest in Pittsburgh, several members of the Iron City Citizens Response Unit were wearing jackets with valknut patches, at least one valknut patch Moreno is working his way upwards, but sloowly. In Northampton County, where the headline race is for county executive, only 74% of voters who requested mail-in ballots returned them. He was Donald Trump's photographer and authored, QAnon supporter Mark Szuszkiewicz barely lost his run for New York City Council for the 47, Oath Keeper Brett Wynkoop lost his bid for NYC Council 39, Judge Paula Patrick lost her bid for a seat on the Pennsylvania Supreme Court in the May 2021 primary.
Pagan librarians respond to challenged book list, Circle Sanctuary shares their online ritual experiences and strategies, One photo taken of the two men carrying an anti-semitic sign at protest last week, According to the FBI and researchers who track extremist activity, The Museum of Witchcraft in Boscastle, Cornwall got a mention in a recent news article, Major universities like Yale, Notre Dame Harvard, and MIT have all begun offering more opportunities to take massive open online courses (MOOCs), Israeli archaeologists studying the three oldest stone arrangements of monoliths at Gbekli Tepe in Turkey have discovered an underlying architectural plan that involves a hidden geometric pattern of an equilateral triangle, The charmstone pendant was recently auctioned by Sothebys and sold for 17,500, many times its originally offered price of 150-200, A newly discovered venomous green pit viper found throughout South and Southeast Asia has been named,, In what might be one of the stranger competitions online, various museums have been posting using. 1306 Main Street, Crescent, Pennsylvania 15046, United States. READ MORE: Eager for election returns? Unlike our local school board meeting that saw a man attempt to physically assault a woman because she wouldnt wear one. It should be noted though that mail-in ballots tend to heavily favor Democrats. On Feb. 4, an admin of the group posted a map of proposed trucker convoy routes from northeastern states to D.C. and urged members to start canvasing these travel corridors to identify highway overpasses to hang signs, intercept points where smaller subgroups of trucks can join the convoy, and places to refuel. He said his group was not paid to READ MORE: Former police captain wins New York City mayoral race, Mayor Eric Papenfuse joins volunteers and poll workers at his campaign headquarters on North Second Street about 90 minutes after the polls close on election day, Nov. 2, 2021. His message on crime and his experience as a police officer largely insulated him from attacks from his Republican opponent Curtis Sliwa, the founder of the Guardian Angels anti-crime patrol. Boston mayoral candidate Michelle Wu faces reporters after casting her ballot at a polling station, Tuesday, Nov. 2, 2021, in the Roslindale neighborhood, of Boston. Boston voters are heading to the polls Tuesday to choose between Democrats Michelle Wu and Annissa Essaibi George for mayor. Here's how the race is looking with 75% of the expected vote in.Check the latest live results, That's the ball game, folks. The man remained silent as text ran across the screen that appeared to threaten authorities who intervene with the convoys: To all the Corrupt officers in Ottawa Canada. Web#militia #pennsylvania #2ndamendmentEvery patriot must watch! Charmstones were used as amulets to protect against witchcraft, and even cure illnesses. On Feb. 14, Canadian authorities arrested and charged four men in Coutts, Alberta, with conspiring to murder officers. They do not that its too soon to gauge the effects of new voting restrictions in place in a few states. ( Turning again to the national scene, the Associated Press reports that, in an unprecedented turn, three major U.S. cities could be on the verge of seeing their first Asian American mayor. In the video, he says, Come on down tonight, there's no excuses, this is war. For more details, read Charlie Thompsons story at the link below. Photos taken at two protests showed some participants wearing symbols connected to Heathenry. So there are a few races we might not have a final answer to until tomorrow or later. Webcharlie crew cardiff city; ephesians 3:16 19 the message; unlock campaign celebrity support; what does it mean when a girl says ttyl; wild 'n out cast member dies; june 6 birthday zodiac sign; bhp digital workspace login; distribution panel vs switchgear. Please be patient while counties count all the ballots. WebTwo local Republican committees are asking voters to write-in the head of the Iron City Citizens Response Unit, an extremist "anti-communist" militia, for Allegheny County Sheriff. On Feb. 21, another member posted a video of a man in a military-style vest staring into the camera while the song Hallelujah played in the background. New totals: Williams, 2,060; write-ins (Papenfuse), 975; Rowbottom, 208. In a last-minute decision, a Superior Courtjudge denied a requestby the American Civil Liberties Union of New Jersey and the League of Women Voters to extend voting hours to 9:30 after reports of votingproblems across the statein connection witha new electronic systemto verify the identify of voters. This is what we all need to hear and advice we all need to apply to our own lives! His followers replied with comments of support like Our time is coming! and Militia is EXACTLY the answer!! . Six are vying for four seats. Those who already registered should keep an eye out for an email in the next couple of days with details on pricing and other relevant information. Performs professional nursing duties that incorporate the psychosocial, psychomotor and age appropriate cognitive skills of the patient/family/significant other to assess, plan, intervene and advocate for the patient on an ongoing basis throughout the continuum of care.
The Covid-19 virus is here and a viable threat to everyones health and our way of life. Turnout for that race so far appears to be high. Apparently Delaware County is live streaming the votes as theyre being counted. (The group was previously called 2nd Amendment Protectors.). The winner has a seat on the court for the next 10 years. The Earth Spirit Community announced last week it would be postponing its Rites of Spring celebration until Labor Day weekend due to concerns of health- and safety-related to the COVID-19 pandemic. One photo taken of the two men carrying an anti-semitic sign at protest last week in Columbus, Ohio was wearing a Weisser Wolf shirt with the Wolfsangel, and the other who was later identified as Matthew Patrick Slatzer, 36. However, this task poses many challenges for all of us, as we work to find a suitable solution that will properly meet the needs of the Covenant members to attend and participate in the virtual Grand Council meeting. Your donation will help TTP continue to hold Big Tech accountable, On Facebook, Far-Right Militias Stoke Trucker Convoy Headed to DC. READ MORE: Few snags for Election Day voting in U.S. amid scrutiny on process. Authorities said one of the men repeatedly posted to Facebook about his willingness to die for their cause. From the Associated Press: Minneapolis voters on Tuesday rejected a proposal to replace the citys police department with a new Department of Public Safety, an idea that supporters hoped would bring radical change to policing in the city where George Floyds death under an officers knee brought calls for racial justice. So, apart from the Harrisburg mayoral race, what are the other big elections in the state? She immediately resigned after being charged with theft relating to the misuse of campaign funds. - listing US Job Opportunities, Staffing Agencies, International / Overseas Employment. Visit our The Wild Hunt subreddit! Its going worldwide. %
Democrat Ed Gainey has taken a significant lead over Republican Tony Moreno in the race for mayor of Pittsburgh.With 67% of precincts reporting, Mr. Gainey has a 24,000 vote lead over Mr. Moreno. And Lancaster and Lebanon county officials have said they wont really know until they start counting tonight. 2 0 obj
The lawsuit, filed by longtime Republican lawyer Michael Puppio, asked for an emergency hearing over the absentee ballots that Delaware County acknowledged were mailed to the wrong addresses, as well as more than 5,000 ballots that were mailed out late by a vendor.
Perhaps one of the most notable contests in the central Pennsylvania region is the mayoral seat in Harrisburg, where two-term Mayor Eric Papenfuse is looking to write-in a third term after losing the Democrat primary to City Council President Wanda Williams. But the platform hosts a thriving black market for Facebook business manager accounts that can run multiple ad campaigns. In recent polling among registered voters, Murphy was holding a 9-point lead. SAN BERNARDINO, Calif. On Sunday, Covenant of the Goddess (CoG) sent out an announcement to its members announcing that the Grand Council and Merry Meet 2020, scheduled to take place in Santa Ana, California in August, had been canceled. TTPs investigation identified a number of militia groups, some of them affiliated with the anti-government Three Percenter movement, that are actively organizing support for the trucker convoys to D.C. For example, the Facebook group for the militia Legion Of Unity Christian Warriors Patriot Coalition, which sports the Three Percenters symbol III in its cover photo, has urged its members to start preparing to provide logistical support the American truckers. Well wrap up our live coverage this evening with links to the election results from all the counties weve been following today: Cumberland County election results (still incomplete). !ys,m+`s}@}q~ ;iy%Z+2Q&J&foo.;p_.!v;W.wL1e\U:IBGW.: ^YC TrZ"GAw(Q28P#Y;wGi&IyF, 7{deEq>Za3q `9CQxS#W
x`+o.s]aNV@WJgABG[uQ(mn,AHJgU$&86"cirH6m2bwe7/ H*`(S~ Our freedoms are under attack by a tyrannical government here in the USA which supports Trudeaus crackdown on the ability to peacefully protest. Patriots need to continue to stand up and fight. If you purchase a product or register for an account through one of the links on our site, we may receive compensation. In the Carlisle School Board race, Anne Lauritzen, David Miller, Rick Coplen and Sue Bower are the top four vote getters so far. Collaborates with interdisciplinary teams to develop and implement a plan of care for a specific group of assigned patients, ensuring the coordination of care between other disciplines, physicians, and support staff. Cumberland County election officials started counting the ballots at 8 p.m. Tuesday and continued until all 118 precincts reported in. Steve Marroni: Three of five Camp Hill precincts are reporting in for the heated school board race. Google is helping them reach their target audience of low-income women. 1 0 obj
Facebook bans militia communities. But its hosting an array of militia groups that push misinformation about migrants at the U.S. southern border. Former police captain wins New York City mayoral race, Decision day for voters in Harrisburgs mayoral race, Mayoral races in three cities could be huge milestones for Asian American candidates, Eager for election returns?
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