Both people must remain committed to each other but they also need to learn how to have fun so that neither feels suffocated. ^Venus in hard aspect to Saturn: Sometimes the Saturn person puts too much pressure on the Venus person, which can be a turn-off especially when that pressure becomes too demanding, too jealous or, in some way, too inhibiting of your pleasure. Since the woman suppresses his aesthetic sensitivity, he symbolically relives the feeling of love that he had given to his father: which, apparently, is perceived with coldness. There is a sense of compromise within both partners. Instead of a doctrinaire approach, both partners should focus on self control. In turn, the Venusian provides the diplomatic and representative side of the activity for the more effective realization of the professional and business abilities of the Saturnian. The change is not something to fear, but this is something you can embrace. Your Higher Journey is bursting with free guides and articles on Astrology, Numerology and more to help you decode your destiny, discover what was written in the stars at your birth and how it affects your personality and your life. Synastry Studies: Rethinking Venus/Saturn - The Inner Wheel Venus conjunct Saturn *requested*. If you have the Venus square Saturn synastry aspect, remember that both people can have different viewpoints on the same conversation or event and both viewpoints will be valid. These qualities you have in your relationship are what make it suitable for marriage. For a woman, her Venus is part of her feminine nature, so it is definitely best when her partner also relates well with this element. My Saturn trines his Venus, which in turn completes a grand trine with my Venus. Venus will gain a lot of sad experience through this synastry. On the other side of the coin, if the Saturn person is feeling insecure, he or she could find the Venus person to be childishly emotional or extravagant. Saturn-Venus synastry combinations are usually based on the partners mutual interest in building business and financial projects. We also have a share of responsibilities in life. Venus conjunct other person's Saturn: This contact can represent a binding tie, but not without its share of challenges. In a synastry chart, this is indicative of strong affection and attraction. Dont ignore the more unpleasant aspects of the relationship, but actively dig into any issues in order to understand each other. 2023 by Going Places. Commitment, mutual respect, and intimacy are the vital energies that strengthen your relationship. In order to sustain the relationship, both parties must be willing to put in the effort, which comes easily for them both. You will never find it hard to love Venus. Saturn may not be one of the best planets, but it brings us closer to our mature and higher selves. The Saturn person acts to stabilize the Venus persons emotions. ^This is a serious relationship. And if they do, expect that they can still rock their outfits. You will find yourself unable to resist the pull she's emitting. The Saturnian may turn into a dictator, limiting and educating the Venusian to exhaustion, causing the Venusian to seek solace in secrecy and isolation. There is an ease about their connection that they dont have to work hard for. Synastry:SunMercuryAspectsBetweenTwoCharts Saturn will bring reality and practicality to the relationship while Venus will bring optimism, lightness, and fun. Venus must work with Saturns limitations for dates, plans, routines, etc., but Saturn must also be willing to go out of their comfort zone, which can make them feel very insecure. Synastry:MoonPlutoAspectsBetweenTwoCharts In extreme cases, the Venus person can be emotional erratic or immature. In the Venus opposite Saturn synastry relationship, compromise is absolutely necessary. If this couple were in a fight, they would always find ways to resolve it, without the need to resort to nasty arguments. There is a tendency that their sense of freedom will be restricted and repressed. Its like a real-life CRYSTAL BALL. This can be really difficult, but if Saturn doesnt learn to temper their authoritarian ways, they can loose Venuss light. Venus Sextile Saturn Composite. In contrast to square or opposition, the trine brings about balance and harmony. Venus might feel that Saturn is unsympathetic or cold, but Saturn could feel that Venus is childish, undisciplined, and immature in some way. You feel committed to building a traditional sense of domestic security, and providing practical material comforts which will enhance your family's future over time. Everything About the Saturn Conjunct Venus Synastry Aspect - Access New Age Read More About Karen Here. Care should be taken to avoid getting into this negative cycle. Saturn square Venus synastry relationships are characterized by unfriendliness leading to many difficulties. It seems, on the outset, that Saturn is a restrictive planet. Synastry:AscendantNorthNodeAspects, THE ASTROLOGY OF LOVE & ATTRACTION: ARTICLES & GUIDES. Venus will likely not feel burdened by the rigid approach of Saturn, unlike other placements with the Venus trine Saturn synastry aspect. Since both Venus and Saturn are associated with Libra, the sense of mutual respect and justice takes the upper hand in their relationship. Saturn has a stabilizing effect on the relationship and will calm Venus down if necessary. Trine happens when the planets are 120 degrees apart. Venus zodiac sign ruler is Libra and it is represented by the 7th house of relationships and partnerships. Saturn person feels inspired to build strong foundations with the Sun and help them feel safe and secure. Synastry:SunSaturnAspectsBetweenTwoCharts Sun Trine Saturn Synastry: Will The Couple Be Laden, Venus Trine Ascendant Synastry: The Couple You Will, Venus Trine Venus Synastry: How Will Their Seamless, Sun Opposite Venus Synastry: The Literal, Venus-Venus Aspects in Synastry Chart: The loving, Pluto in 6th House: No Room For Imperfections. It will reveal what is truly possible in your life, your natural talents and abilities, and exactly what you need to do to increase your energy, take action, and conquer your day, week, month - even year! Venus Trine Saturn. Like most opposition aspects, the Venus opposite Saturn synastry aspect can be glue in a relationship. We sometimes get too caught up in our own needs that we tend to forget our partner's needs as well. There is less of a chance that this relationship will grow to be toxic. The Venus person feels strangled and smothered by the affection of the Saturn person. For example, if the Saturn person is going through a tough time, the Venus person will be there to support them. Both planets find solace in the arms and company of each other. The mutual respect that both planets have makes everything in their relationship so easy. It does not allow us to have our fun and free-spiritedness. You will be offered positions of responsibility and leadership, and your sense of timing is excellent. The Venus person may feel restricted or downright repressed by the Saturn person. My name is Karen, for 19+ years my career as a psychic medium, a professional astrologer, and a spiritual advisor has given me the fulfillment to be able to help others in simple ways using the advantage of my abilities. Venuspartner admires strength and protecting qualities of the person with Saturn, who gives strength, defense andstructure. It creates a sort of an opposites attract relationship when Venus trines Saturn, but in most cases, it tends to work. Both of these people feel attracted to one another naturally due to Venus trine synastry aspect with Saturn. She patronizes and supports him, playing the role in which her father excelled in her childhood. Originally posted by showsnstuff. Saturn is also about discipline. If the relationship gets to the point where the Venus person is afraid to say whats on their mind, then big changes must be made in order for the relationship to survive. As time passes, the Saturn person could feel threatened by changes or growth in the Venus persons love nature, and needs to avoid criticizing the Venus person for any new behaviors. It shapes the relationship between two persons. Saturn trine and sextile Venus aspects are marked by a sense of commitment and mutual gain. Being a personal planet, this shows a particular aspect of our life. This type of Saturn conjunct Venus synastry is a karmic aspect where the man takes on the role of his father providing a solid foundation for the woman who subconsciously sees herself as a daughter or younger sister. Both people feel unworthy of love at their core. Read More About Me! Arguing about the facts of something wont help you here because you see the world in fundamentally different ways. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use. However, it also indicates that there are obstacles to overcome should this couple choose to stay together. If the other aspects in the chart support this relationship, then the couple can truly complement each other! As a result, she feels that she needs to assert herself in front of her partner. With their charm and quirky attitude, these people can induce Saturn to have fun and chill, even just for a while. They never go out of style. This is because the energy Saturn brings in love often feels limiting and restrictive. Being with a woman who is strong in his Venus element, or who makes close sextiles to his Venus makes the relationship much easier, and increases sexual desire and compatibility. This goddess also protects art and pleasing things. The Saturn person feels insecure about how easy it is for the Venus person to make new connections. The best part is you are able to ask any specific questions you have. This can be an almost overwhelming feeling. ^Interpretation from the Psyche & Eros Relationship report. Venus-Venus Aspects In The Synastry Chart - Tea & Rosemary The relationship is probably quite steady, but its not exciting. Venus trine or sextile Venus synastry suggests that you get along well and you have similar taste. Too much of this control causes the Venus person to feel stifled. Saturn opposition and square Mars are hard aspects that can go from exciting to annoying really fast. You are likely to make sacrifices for one another without even thinking twice. Though Venus and Saturn are two fundamentally different planets, aspects between them in the synastry chart can make for a strong and longterm relationship. Venus Conjunct Saturn love Synastry ~ Providing Security - AstroMatrix Predicting for Relationships - Astrodienst Venus' synastry aspect trine Saturn emphasizes the importance of working together to overcome differences. Do we run away from them? Venus is the planet of romance, beauty, what we love, and how we go about loving. Saturn conjunct Mars has so much potential for growth if Saturn can tolerate Mars impulsiveness and in return, Mars tones down its aggressive nature. Saturn, in astrology, is about maturity and responsibility. We also have a share of responsibilities in life. The Saturn person may feel that they need to control their partner in order to feel secure, while the Venus person may feel smothered and trapped. The flow of energy is simply natural. Synastry Chart Aspect Meaning. Saturn will teach the Venus individual how to become more patient and focused, while Venus will teach Saturn to speak what's on their minds and hearts and not take things so seriously. Venus Trine Venus Synastry Meaning: Happy Love - Astrology This reading will be your guiding light, an astrological blueprint to get you on your true path towards a life of happiness, love and abundance. Venus trine Saturn would help each other grow and thrive without needing to change each other. With these lessons learned, the couple can now apply them to their lives and enjoy each other freely. It does not allow us to have our fun and free-spiritedness. Venuspartner admires strength and protecting qualities of the person with Saturn, who gives strength, defense andstructure. However, both people can learn a lot from this relationship if theyre willing to put the emotional work in. This aspect is often seen in fated marriages, soulmates and long term commitments. You may be critical of one anothers tastes and hobbies, but at the root of this is some form of jealousy over the attention that you give to outside interests. With Saturn conjunct Venus, love is a gentle breeze that warms Saturns apparent coldness. The Venus person will feel as though they lose a bit of personal freedom while the the Saturn person may feel like their world is out of whack due to the Venus persons changeability. Take some time to try something new once in a while. At worst, Saturn contacts are just depressing. Saturn may feel that the Venus person is already growing apart from him/her. If they can do this, they will be able to maintain the harmony and balance that this aspect brings. With the Venus opposition Saturn synastry aspect, the couple feels as though they know each other immediately. Synastry:MoonJupiterAspectsBetweenTwoCharts Because of the strong attraction the Saturn and Venus person towards each other, it could be emotionally draining for both of them. With the right amount of communication and understanding, this aspect can bring two people together in an extraordinary way. The Saturn person should focus on being non-judgmental and learning aboutwhy the Venus person is a certain way. Here, karma will be worked out between the roles of father and daughter until each of the partners appreciates the value of the other. Saturn conjunct / opposite Moon aspect in a relationship feels serious and powerful right from the beginning. This in depth personalized Astrology reading can provide you with a 30 minute recording to get a clear idea of what the next 12 months has in store. In this variation of Saturn conjunct Venus synastry we find a harmonious permutation of roles as the man, subconsciously identifying with his anima figure, tries to please the subconscious expectations of the paternal image of his partner. Synastry:SunSunAspectsBetweenTwoCharts A simultaneous square from their Mars means that, despite this harmony, their actions still create tension. Although at times the woman finds the man imperious and domineering, she can nevertheless give him the tender affection and admiration that his efforts deserve. One of the first planets to observe karmic contracts and soulmate relationships is Saturn. In fact, you probably perceive each other as likable or pretty, at least on a superficial level, when you first meet. Venus Trine Saturn Synastry - Its Stregnths & Weaknesses With the Venus trine Saturn synastry aspect, its important to work together to overcome any differences. In fact, they must learn to love things about the other person that may be different from themselves. This relationship is favored, and this may come in the long term. Synastry:SunUranusAspectsBetweenTwoCharts This couple is very passionate about each other. You are well organized and reliable and tend to keep your word. Or there could be a significant age difference between you and someone else. It's okay to be protective but when it turns to become extreme, it could also be toxic for the relationship. This harmonious aspect can result in stability and lasting love. In contrast to square or opposition, the trine brings about balance and harmony. Since this aspect creates a deep level of understanding, it can also lead to complacency in the relationship. This is why these couples tend to have long-lasting relationships, creating a bond of unwavering protection and loyalty. Saturn shows how we face our responsibilities. This relationship usually represents a past life together that created some sort of wound or hurt. These people can view it as a light aspect of their lives. It even represents our fashion styles. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. 2022 can bring new adventures, new roads to explore, and new successes to reach! Venus Conjunct Saturn In Natal Charts, Composite Charts & Synastry Both persons will need to be aware of a tendency to be too insistent on attention from one another, and well as of the tendency to restrict each others sense of freedom.