Saturn can be the stern father who tells you to eat your veggies before you eat your dessert. The persons adaptation would be the variable that could change <3. My Jupiter conj his NN - cut him out of my life completely. Not sure about this. I will likely be coming back to your blog for example nessus square north node. Powered by Infopop 2000 Neither of us would put up with that foolishness. The North Node In Synastry | My Christian Psychic I hope I can do this when I tell you about my own life. More promising. It seems that I'm being stimulated in my needed direction by that which he fights to repress in himself in Pisces--the Lilith which is all-knowing and yet unsure, a Lilith who is nebulous and mutable, sensitive and impressionable and in some way has been made to feel wrong for being so. My ex gets out of prison any day now.. 9 years early. Even that it got in the way of my carreer so i could take care of my own family. What is Priapus? I have an old boyfriend whos South node conjunct my moon. If so, it may just be that. The relationship may be one of overcoming, but they would do so. How does it play? This would take me a long time to figure out. This is highly secret dont tell anyone! Yes, sorry this is synastry. Which is also trine his NN. I feel like asteroids dont get enough love yet but more and more people are interested .. Wow Thanks. The charts will, always, reveal what is there. This synastry aspect indicates that in the past life, there . I did not enjoy it much. Hi Amiann and eveyone! You can try to do the best you can but you will FEEL the desire to be sadistic to him, Hi Ami, what do you think of Nessus opposite Karma (my karma) exact? You are good thats exactly what I suspect.. The SN is where you feel most comfortable. There's something "off" about the relationship at some point and I want to break free (or they do, or both). Thank you so much, No Twist. But you're reluctant to associate with people who touch your NN cause it's unfamilar territory and it takes us out of comfort zone.. I should have this tattooed on my chest, along with What are the orbs?. The action feels subtle but profound to me. Will this affect the relationship??? Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. One girl was classic for someone who had a personal vendetta toward me due to my stand on Moon square Moon. You are spot on with your neptune conjunct Nn synastry. I could see Pluto being strongeryes! Also there is a feeling of comfort, security within the relationship. Posts: 46869From: Saturn next to CharmainecRegistered: Apr 2009, Copyright 2000-2014 And he would call me mama and we would talk baby talk, or he would talk baby talk and I would be mama. Finding Jesus is all that really matters in life. I have not seen it before. I'm not entirely sure that someone who has planets on your SN is always draining or a negative influence in which you are stuck. If you are interested, please contact me by e mail It drives me absolutely batty. That may work. I met this really awesome person, and I found out our moons are squaring each other. With the point which describes the repressed/irrepressible on a partner's North Node we can well expect a potent connection. the aspect is exact. Did you have a past life with him? I really am fascinated with it, too . Many people would, but not everyone, I dont think. I think you can go to both extremes, like focusing way too much on your SN or NN. The only way I see this playing out is that he does seem very concerned with my well-being; hell say things like, careful, dont slip! if were walking somewhere wet, or drive safely! things like that, but I never feel overwhelmed or criticized, just cared about. How interesting.I think you can feel, as the planet person, that you can help them out on their journey. When I write articles like this I get hate mail. That doesn't ring true to me when I was the node. we fell in love with each other right away, but there was some karma , a huge drama to overcome, and we dont see each other anymore. What does it mean ? IF you were born far apart in time, you would have a similar purpose and understand the purpose of each others lives well, S. Hello, Im french so please, excuse me if my english is not good enough. I liked them but it was very limited. The Valentine gives amazing love to the other person, Jenny dear. I have asteroid Lilith conjunct venus + Saturn, the dark moon Lilith (waldemath) conjunct moon . )My pluto squares my nodes natally and honestly I am drawn towards people who aspect my pluto and then square my nodes more than any others. What about South node aspects? But, knowing you, it will be brutally honest. and i have my Mars and Psyche in Gemini conjunct his North Node. I believe she was narcissistic. Looking at the synastry of that relationship, I think it's likely that he was more affected than I was when it ended. How would his vertex influence NNode? Hi, Juno conj the NNthe person will bring you all the best traits of a loyal wife, Vesta conj the NNthe person will bring you devotion, Pallas conj the NNthe person will bring you wisdom, Uranus conj the NNthe relationship will have a lot of ups and downs in strange ways. This would be wonderful. I kind of like the idea that we both make each other uncomfortable in a this-is-my-future sort of way, but I'd like more information/personal stories if anyone has them. Contacts to the North Node describe the role they can play in the future. I have seen people torch the cars of their once Nessus love. . Synastry Aspects - Free Interpretations: Sun synastry aspects, Moon synastry aspects, Mercury synastry aspects, Venus synastry aspects, Mars synastry aspects, Jupiter synastry aspects, Saturn synastry aspects, Uranus synastry aspects, Neptune synastry aspects, Pluto synastry aspects . It's in Pisces. I agree with the last one. Just found out I have Nessus Conjunct the Moon with a guy I like but the ord is 4. Is that Chiron? Like his nessus is conjunct my chiron so idk. No, M. the charts take me a LONG time lol Did you live in their bedroom? With Saturn, he may be super critical and you may try to live up to it, it make sense! I have literally never heard discourse on natal to composite aspects. My boyfriends Moon is conjunct my NN. The other point is the South Node (). Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a, Powered by Infopop 2000 In synastry, Lilith is definitely like pluto, i noticed, lots of obsession, control, jealousy,revenge but on a POSITIVE note Lilith can bring an amazing profound connection that is unexplainable between two people, like a sort of fascination. Id be curious to know. I have a one question chart for 89.99. The North Node helps astrologers understand the connection between the Moon, Sun, and Earth at the moment of someone's birth. I do not see how this relationship can last. Does this mean this guy will want to be very sexual with me?! You dont live with her, though. Lol. I have never said that before or felt that way before and I dont know what prompted me to say that or feel that way but I did. Will this happen to you? So what would it mean if my NN is conjuct someone elses NN to the exact degree in scorpio? But I wonder how it plays out. 10 planets from Sun to Pluto and the North Node in detail. If the conjunction is opposite Amor, the person may struggle with his own love nature, versus his abuse nature( and we all have one). They just anger me. What about a square instead of a conjunction NN/moon?? Ami, Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths. I think that would be a soul mate sign. The orbs are 2 degrees. Required fields are marked *. In the case of Nessus, he may abuse you and you may not see it as abuse. My bf and I both have lilith square moon natally. LILITH contacts in Synastry - Lindaland - Linda Goodman How this would play out exactly I am not sure but betrayal would be a theme of the relationship. What surprises me is how different my attitude is whether I am the NN or the planet person. What if a man has Sado conjunct Mercury ? Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. Tbh I have more masochistic tendencies but maybe thats just what I thought, Where is your Dejanira, V. That is the victim asteroid. Sun person helps Lilith person recognize their subconscious gifts and strengths. I don't know maybe it's just me. 2) When As Valentine conjunct Bs NN, does it mean A will give big love(almost sacrificial) to B? Chiron conj the NNthe person will bring you pain, Mars onj the NNthe person will bring you drive. thats bad right? Other times she can be a pain. Copyright [the-year] [site-link] | This website is intended for entertainment purposes only. I am sorry, Kelly No doubt Ive hurt him a lot, but (due to other aspects) he has also hurt me. extra twist their lilith also squares my north and south node on the other side!!! If you have this aspect, then listen carefully because this is fated and signifact aspect with tremendous impact on yo. But it didn't really work out. My Moon conjunct his SN - close friends! Eris conj Eris could be due to people being born close in time. this is so much brain work. ), The Nessus will try to bully the Mars but the Mars will fight back. I am married and so is he . This feels so icky that I dont think a relationship would progress very far. I appreciate you getting back to me. Is that NN conjunct Dsc or South node conjunct ascendant? Neptune conj the NNthis may bring great sorrow as you may have had ideals that were not met leading to great sorrow. Also, square to the nodes, such as moon and venus squares? Because we were making music together and i recorded some piano tracks. How would you interpret this honey? With Saturn, it may not because Saturn rewards time and maturity. But no matter what, even if you are the Sun or the Node ,both people will find it extemely hard to let go of the other person,and they will keep coming back or always feel that they should have tried harder. If the Sedna were conjunct the NN, then the Sedna person would bring betrayal to the NN person in some way. I don't know, more exciting I guess. This seems to give powerful attraction at first. The nodal axis represents our life's path: the South Node represents "where we've been," while the North Node represents "where we're going." Squares to this axis in synastry indicate an instant feeling of familiarity and attraction to one another. And omg yes I can definetely see the NN oppurtunity to learn whatever asteroid or planet is touching this sensitive point to them. Depends on aspects to other planets. However, with time, this is more of a fighting/fighting aspect i.e lets tear each others necks off. She and her boyfriend had this aspect. My Saturn square his Nodes, is that very bad? If you dont do the chart, trust yourself. Then, it would not matter much. Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a. Is there mutual obsession? Currently you have JavaScript disabled. The North Node tells us about themes in the relationship. The moon person is attracted to the Lilith person but can quickly feel afraid or unsafe. NN can be elusive. I was the Moon with a female. I would say it is a true soul mate aspect! Interesting about your Pluto squaring Nodes and how that affects your attraction pattern.. Mars Conjunct North Node Synastry, Natal, Transit in Astrology Do I have to give him up? Most important to me is that you find Jesus. A variation of planets/L. Would tat makes aspects between them easier? Im seeing someone whose Vertex, Juno, and Saturn conjunct my N Node in 1st at my ascendant in Scorpio. Disharmonious aspects can cause both of them to still have past fears from relationships. The North Node helps astrologers understand the connection between the Moon, Sun, and Earth at the moment of someone's birth. She thinks that Im a stinking primitive who needs to use mens deodorant. Neptune/Chiron aspects: Couples with this synastry aspect feel "unconditional love" for one another when it's harmonious. Nothing I ever did was good enough, she always found a way to be hurtful and punish and abusive if not with words then her actions!! Big thanks for your great article ! I feel that I am the one with the power in this relationship . I had to learn to step away, but it never healed. This placement stirs up a lot of feelings for both people. What do you think? YOU are the most important person to me. So much of our sysnastry chart seems wrong to me and it makes me doubt myself completely. It may be difficult for each person to resist the pull of the relationship. Or would it still be bad? Idk what to do or what this even means. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. . Tell me which person was which. Any intimate relationship is a sharing of hearts. xoxoo. just met that guy and I already had that kind of weird feeling about him.. he is very Plutonic. I can only imagine that lilith conjunctions make for an addictive relationship ..but squares and opposites are much more confusing to me. and now i know if im dealing with Nessus energy, nemesis, or sado. quote: Originally posted by yungang_grotto: Also I think maybe Lilith's attraction to the North Node person when they're expressing their NN in a healthy way would be extremely powerful, but there would also be an element of repulsion, perhaps equally powerful. It definetely is confusing im with you on that and your right about how prominent lilith (i) which is h21 in North Node represents what your soul wants to accomplish and learn moving . You do not want a Nessus theme. I do not change my mind based on harassment,as you know. I am sorry. Hes really upset. I much prefer my moon square mars since every man I have been attracted to has mars in Virgo and seems to be able to give me more space. I might be wrong and totally off in left field with my interpretation of Lilith's energy. Your email address will not be published. But when you get to your NN.. will be intense! The NN in synastry is amazing. Sado brings sadism and Neptune seems to bring sorrow.