Like he had. They just vaccinate. So but she's going to measure the effects on on, you know, on depressed patients. Researchers have found an antibody in winter that effectively attached itself in neutralise spike protein in sars-cov-2 one in Cove. I'm just like, you know, there's I'm not scared. The water is cold. So it was like twice as much and the other and the ginger lemon one. So I've been doing this on every day, five days a week because I would do it every day. But I mean, we're all not no one's working because they're probably getting more sleep now. Trager and the Trager Day Sale goes from May, May 15th, which is tomorrow to well, you'll get this today, May 15th, May 17, 20 percent off all Rob's sauces and liners. I mean, it was just I was thinking, God, if we didn't have this in the house and you couldn't go anywhere, luckily we have one here so I could use the one that's here. I mean, a lot of data that needs to pass out, a lot of data that needs to be generated. The last hill. Promoting strategies to increase healthspan, well-being, cognitive and physical performance through deeper understandings of biology. 229. So this is also a problem with vaccines. So they had to stay in there for an hour. I just I don't think that it's totally accurate, considering my only real way to measure that is those little suction. Yeah, a lot. You wear this. But the hotels, maybe, yeah. It was so hot like, like, like I, I was, I was like on some kind of mind altering drug like this like and I think that's the point with those guys. The Russians like to do that. So you have to be like you have to wear no clothes. Some clinical studies with toddlers and some problems got really, really sick and a couple died. They've been shown to prevent muscle atrophy. The infrared scanners are like they're like changing electrons. Like it's not the same at all as before that was known. So so there's like all this there was all these conclusions. Can you imagine. And the responses, you know, involves your adaptive immunity. Right. So I'm doing like popcorn. It is. So basically they're all vitamin D deficient, all the ones that are dying. I was a Osterholm, right? Let's quarantine the people who are sick. I love this thing because you wear a belt and the weight is actually pull. Yeah. So to me is there's so many benefits. And they're just getting their rocks off there. Right. I just hope I hope that, you know, we can reopen the economy in a very safe manner where we don't have, like, flare ups that, you know, we don't want to be set back to like shelter in place again, like full on. So particularly UVB radiation. And the red light. It gets converted into a hormone like this isn't just a vitamin. Like what's happening in vitamin D deficient? I personally think taking the vitamin K and what's interesting about the vitamin K wine versus vitamin to without going into too much of a tangent is basically the the vitamin K one. There's been small trials showing that people doing a sauna. You're categorizing them based on their gene. I like it. I was like, he tried protein's and I was like talking science. It's a free one where we're kind of like putting some of these interesting snips which don't mean anything. So I have like all the apps and stuff and most of the time like and I turn my my my iPhone screen is like down and they have the black background and all that. So he said, well, listen, if if something compressed it, something can decompress it. But they had me do a pulse oximeter thing and the wrestlers and athletes, football players get it because your neck muscles get really big and when your neck muscles get big, you know, big tongue and I have a big tongue. Sure. They're treating us like we're infants. Oh yeah. To Legal Zoom, whether you need a last will or a living trust or advance health care directive, you can do it all legal zoom. You know, it depends on on what virus you're looking at. I'm gonna have to go over this one again and take notes. And then he would go without breathing for multiple seconds. Normally it goes to your liver and it's involved in blood coagulation, but when there's enough vitamin K one around, it stays in the periphery and it moves calcium periphery being bloodstream it calcium out of the bloodstream and takes it to places where it's supposed to go like the bones in the muscle. And that's how a lot of people start. And there's one other that I don't remember sweat. About 40 to 50 could be like there's probably a range of friends. They told me. You're always an awesome resource. So it shows you like how much sleep you got, how much recovery you recoveries out and what you need even tell you, you know, hey, you should go to bed since you'd be getting up at six o'clock in the morning, you should go to bed by 10:00 tonight. I mean like not being able to breathe. Right. Saying that I want people to think I'm saying it's a treatment, I just want to it's a hypothesis that needs to be tested. I mean, like, if you get the flu, is it going to not is it like a three day kind of thing or is it going to knock you out for two weeks kind of thing? So she she helps out a lot. But the interesting thing about vitamin C is, you know, there's oral and then there's intravenous vitamin C and the intravenous vitamin C is what's with seems to be really relevant right now. Like what are the causes? Like I'm the kind of person where, like, I like to make people happy. Right. And there's this link between I published a link also between vitamin D and autism. But like the sauna, you know, it's just been like something. I really think the data is I think it's mountain data and I think that eventually something will come out and it's going to be just like the randomized controlled trials showing that it protects against respiratory tract infections. It's just like this. I think all of those things play a role. You make it from UVB, radiation exposure. And so he had us do this thing where, like, everyone had to wake up. I like that. According to this organization, the adequate vitamin D sweet spot is over 30 ng/ml. Right. Actually, I was doing the sauna too hot at one point in time, I was doing it at 210 degrees because of crazy Laird Laird Hamilton had me convinced. Because when I lived on the East Coast, when I lived in New York, I got sick way more than I get sick out here, I'm for sure. You'll peak at around five hours after. Particularly after hot yoga. There is some non-human primates studies that that did that and also animal studies as well. This study determined vitamin D provides protection for infections of the respiratory tract. Ninety proof Franklin County, Kentucky, Buffalo Trace, American family owned and fiercely independent. It totally stops it. Yeah. It relieves anxiety. Yeah. In that case, you might also like the FoundMyFitness podcast (also available on Spotify ), which features many great interviews with Rhonda's favorite heroes of science, exploring the frontier of human healthspan. This is what I try to explain to a friend of mine who was on the podcast who read the comments. I use a day. So having lower levels may somehow even help protect against. So, you know, that's that's definitely a promising area for sure. I'll be willing to do it. N-acetyl L-cysteine They both have been shown to increase lymphocyte numbers and also like other milit cells and stuff in people. We did a video on it and like it's I mean, it effects like the insulin secretion, sensitivity, like all that stuff. So it's a little it's different, but it's something that, you know, she's got to prove that it's safe before, like the FDA will allow her to even like continue on to like like to study how it affects depression. Yes, they're getting way more sick right now because they're I mean, that could be one reason right there. I mean, I don't I certainly. So yeah, there's a hot Basar like the only the only really choice if you don't have a hot sauna, no pomes on it. Her multivitamin alone contains 2,0010IU of vitamin D. In the past, she has stated the vitamin D brand she uses is Thorne D3 which offers 5,000iu and 1,000iu capsules. What's the I get I buy it, buy it from sprouts or mother in law. So you need a zinc ionophores to help it get in to cells. That's awful. I was asking him, was it Halstrom or is it. But as you said, it seems like what's really critical is getting it to people before they get it. Yes, YouTube channel found my fitness and a website found my fitness and found my fitness Instagram. Yeah, I'm a bit, I'm a bit that way. There's a formula and in a lot of the studies and coming out of Finland, many of the people there are using are doing the the humid stuff on us as well. It's a huge factor. And I get like, you know, there's there are people that are really trying to, like, make, you know, prove something. Joe Rogan Experience & Dr. Rhonda Patrick on Fasting. Subscribe to our channels. Learn more about Dr. Rhonda Patrick. So, you know, we call the first I call the ambulance. Do I do a hundred and eighty degrees for twenty five minute, dude? I don't know. Yeah. I forgot the name of the test, but yeah, that's that's the test. I mean, that's a big open question that seems possible without we don't have an answer to that. So so I feel like he's a trustworthy guy. But you're you're increasing your plasma levels more so. That's crazy. And bone density. And I know people are. Maybe that's why they're shittier, you know? I got a swimsuit on and then, OK, the yoga was bad. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. And there's all, you know, like and I was so happy when that human study came out. You can't manage that, right? Sorry guys, but the title is bullshit and the study is inconclusive. I mean stuff goes wrong. But what's interesting is that there's been studies showing that these two beta coronaviruses that are responsible for some of the common cold cross react with. It's like so taxing. There was this weird. And that's, you know, in the brain they're so important, like preventing proteins from aggregating in the brain. We've got to be careful. Yeah. And this is one of the reasons why I really wanted to talk to you right now. The term vitamin D can be misleading because it does not function the same way as a vitamin. Totally. You're telling people they can't go to work, but you're telling people they can go to work in some places, like why is it OK to work at Target but it's not OK to work in a family business? Oh, yeah, for sure. I don't know what their official name was, but they released some statistics from England and Wales and the I don't know what the correct name to say. And there's there's all sorts of incentives for being hypercritical. They have produced more than two million liters of hand sanitizer so far, and they're still making bourbon as well, rolling it more barrels into the warehouses every day. So there's been a meta analysis looking at of twelve different studies, I think where vitamin K one or vitamin K two were given and both of those improved bone mineral density and prevented any hypoglycemia, because when you take vitamin D, you absorb calcium better like something crazy, like 40 percent more dietary calcium is being absorbed. I am. And and, you know, we need higher quality data. RELATED: Joe Rogans Morning Kale Shake Recipe. Right. In order to make sure she gets an adequate amount of vitamin D levels per day, Patrick resorts to this supplement. And I'm very relaxed. He's like, it'll start to heal. You can control the temperature up and down. Because so many people fucked themselves up by trying to do things on their own and I did and now I'm scared. But I would like to see a study on whether or not it varies between the East Coast in the West Coast, because over here we do have all these sunny days and people right outside far more often than they are in New York or California. A lot of a lot of people are sleep deprived, so. Because all I'm hearing is drugs and possible drug remedies, potential vaccine that they're working on the future. And when he was talking about after the fact, what Michael was talking about was how that is proven to be correct in New York and that some monstrous number, like 80 percent of the people put on ventilators wound up dying, not just New York. And so they're kind of that's a test. I know it's hard though. Posted by. I know. Tell me what it is, because my father in law has apnea and there's a doctor, Dr. Croppy, and he's a very wacky guy. Right. And he's like, OK, well, if you find anything, please send it my way. So that's the foundation is vitamin D right now. What got me thinking about this whole thing was, you know, in the prisons and jails, I mean, they're in close quarters and they're you got one virus that someone's exposed to and they all get it right. One, there was a study that showed hot baths can have an antidepressant effect, and these people were put in 104 degrees Fahrenheit baths where they were up to their shoulders for like 20 to 30 minutes. Oh, but here's my sauna experience. But they're also stressed out and they have anxiety in particular, if their bills are piling up and they have no income through. EDIT: If you downvote me and you're not sure why you feel compelled to do so, it's because you want to fuck her and you're white knighting without realising it. Yeah. Now, that's just my like an analogy for people to understand why senescent cells are bad because they like age. When it's cold and rainy with short days, I don't feel nearly as happy. Subscribe to our channels, COVID-19 Q&A #2 - Antibody-Dependent Enhancement, Cross-Immunity, Immunity Duration & More. You should look into the blue light. But but I was like I started out the conversation. It has like a little tongue depressor. You can grill on them, you can barbecue, you could bake, you can you could cook slow, you can grill things fast. So he got this antibiotic treatment there, like sent him home a couple of days later, he got some IV treatment. But, you know, I'm . And it just, you know, it could be more it could be it can lead to death. You're going to be paying a lot out, but you got to 220. And it's just anyways. I mean, there's lots of changes that occur. I mean, how so? That's how I first got in that one of my first biological experiments ever because I was a chemistry major in college. One eighty, one eighty is great. We didn't talk about that. Rhonda has stated in numerous places she is taking 5,000iu of vitamin D on a daily basis. Totally have it. No. It's like I know you talked in Mumbo-Jumbo talk most of the time. Oh I mean I think that that going to basically like having a good circadian rhythm and, and like bright light exposure in the early morning, like it really does help. Yes. It's the only bourbon with balls. First of all, you can do it with no weight. There is a possibility supplementing with vitamin D can decrease the severity of the COVID-19 infection and eliminate the need for hospitalization. So I've. And it happened. And that's when I get my home gym. I mean, I could have it right. Yeah, I mean, so there are some there's potential biomarkers being identified to react to protein being one inflammation. The whole thing seems to be a mess. It's such a strange virus. Oh look. They're like they're like directly heating. We drink it all the time. That's when I say that's what I get. And it'll help treat eventually they'll identify one that works. So so it's only three people were towel me down and this other American. I know my youngest never want to take naps. Better skip this one. So they have the ability to tell 40 million people what they can and can't do, make that a little larger so I can read this. So, like, you know, Frolick in Oakland don't really go together. So that's a marker a month. These fucking politicians now in the place where you guys have to understand these people. Because that's really the easiest thing. So, you know, making this general statement that, oh, vitamin C supplementation doesn't do anything is not it's accurate in some respects. The other thing that happens is the antibody binds to the virus, doesn't neutralize it, but it like makes this crazy immune complex that, like, activates your immune system to just go haywire and it causes all sorts of pathology. So you mean by how many times you've caught the flu, how many times you've whether you're actually going to it, how you respond to it, you know? So vitamin C kind of cycles between being oxidized and reduced is called dehydrator ascorbic acid dehydrates or bait and then ascorbic acid or ascorbic dehydrate. It's important, like it's important for normal immune cells, normal immune function. And we'll have to start slowly because you have to adapt. It doesn't make any sense to me. And I think people will become less scared as these as these therapeutics do emerge, which which which they will, I'm sure. Healthier, more cognizant, definitely more proactive. I think social distancing makes sense. That game we've been doing as Eilerts on it. And I was like, how about cavities? Both daily and weekly dosages have shown protective properties. And that's what happened with the RSV toddlers. So I have I do the Philipps you wear at like five o'clock, all the lights in our house go red. And I would get out and I would go out to the mats out there and just collapse. But what happens is basically the antibody binds that. Yeah, I because I don't do a lot of resistance training. The thing about the sauna, 210 degrees to one of the things that it was happening to me, I was getting headaches and my throat was burning like the next I was coughing a lot like and I was like I think I'm fucking up the actual tissue in my throat. Yell out the window, happy birthday. So it usually that's usually what it's just doing is, you know, moving calcium out and bringing it to the bones. Right. But there was there was some studies showing that high dose melatonin, you know, more in the like ten milligram range. Yeah. Wow. You were going to be totally shocked. It's found my fitness, my fitness. You know, if the virus is like right in your nostrils, I don't know, maybe. And I just I don't know. We are like it's already we're already finding repurposed therapeutics, the monoclonal antibodies, people working on that. And so when we would give them tons of heat, shock proteins in addition to the amyloid, totally reversed it like completely like they would move around and beyond. Like I went to Finland a few years ago. So basically, you look at these little worms under a microscope, still only about half a million, half a millimeter. It is taking five. We wanted to get one here. Right. So that's the thing we got to be careful about. You're not getting real sleep because you're constantly being woken up and shocked into the state of like, no, it's really bad. View originating episode Attend Monthly Q&As with Rhonda Support our work The FoundMyFitness Q&A happens monthly for premium members. They built a business. And now that business is crushed. Well, this is the very reason why people in places like Scotland and England have such pale skin. I can't say enough good things about this grill. Where. If you can do IV, you don't need to do it. Oh okay. And I'll show you where your heart rate it's you had a mountain of data. Vitamin D is one of those nutrients in which lots of people are deficient. It's the easiest way to cook. So I mean, I guess they're called Finnish Sana's, which means like they're using the hot water and steam. And I think as a public health, public service, you know, health thing, this is one of the most important things. Yes, yes. And I'm like, I'm not going to get naked before, like a conference. That's it. And it's happened where I scared Dan. And then and then putting them in a place where they can't get any vitamin D from the sun. And it was burning. You know, after doing just so much, of course, the past couple of months, I've been nothing but like reading about the immune system and trying to understand, of course, this new virus, sars-cov-2. Kevin Rose tells me I can take my Apple Watch and the hot frickin and do it right. It was shown also be that with sars-cov-2 one and it's involved with clotting. But so it wasn't a great experience because one, there was this guy who snored all night too, because it was snow camping. But can you measure he talks about team the bath versus. That's that's also why. Well, you know what the problem though. She is currently supplementing with Thorne Research Vitamin D3. Quercetin So the sauna, I know of one study where people that sat in a hundred and sixty three degree Fahrenheit sauna for 30 minutes had Heacock proteins. These are bureaucrats. And then potentially, you know, you may have this like non neutralizing antibody that could cause problems. So I think, you know, there's there's lots of avenues for, you know, therapeutics. But many children are getting in contact with this disease and how many of them are asymptomatic but are spreading it. And I think that doing the sauna is making you more resilient against against infection like there. That's the question. And the reason for that is because when the hormone vitamin D hormone binds to receptor, it activates all these genes and that the genes do stuff that are, you know, regulate immune function. I mean, I'm always trying to get them to have that. Why says who? It is. That's why everyone fucks off for holidays twice a year. Yeah, and it's it's because it's because they have darker skin. Because the thing is, like you are getting this incredible cardiovascular exercise because your heart's beating like crazy and, you know, you're not doing cardio persay, but your heart rate goes get jacked because of the heat and the stress. Right. I would like to see that study because it makes sense. But I most of the time constantly where it's sometimes because it only it's like the sensor lasts for ten days and have to change it and sometimes I like forget it and a couple of days go by and then I start like eating the pomegranate because my son loves that.