Mature males have a longer and more pointed dorsal fin while females typically have smaller fins overall. Do not keep violent fish with electric blue acaras since they may be attacked and injured. The food you give your fish will make a significant impact on their health (obviously). Andinoacara pulcher is a genuine show-stopper with its surreal glow, making the aquarium tank it sits in stand out. That provides the fish with enough room to swim. These fish are egg layers, depositing their eggs on flat surfaces that are open to the water, such as flat rocks on the substrate. The electric blue acara can also be afflicted with skin flukes. Electric blue acaras are a type of hybrid South American cichlid. Blue fish are unique and special-looking since blue is found in nature much more rarely than other colors. Their maximum size is 7 inches long when fully grown. However, as a digger, Acaras do tend to uproot plants, so I suggest using potted plants that are not easily dislodged. I can almost always see at least 6, and sometimes all 9, hanging out at the front of the tank. For more information, please see our The Electric Blue Acara reaches 6-7 inches in length in adulthood. The Electric Blue Acara is a vibrantly colored freshwater fish that is bound to liven up most aquarium setups. While you might have a perfect aquarium setup in mind for your new electric blue acara, your fish might have other plans. Since theyre peaceful yet curious they will display a mix of behaviors while in your tank. For each additional acara, add 15 gallons. There are many ways to set up a tank with the electric blue acara in mind. However, there are several things you can do that will undoubtedly help: To begin, you must restore the pH range of your water to that of the fish. Electric Blue Acara Common Diseases and their Treatment, Two Advantages of Having Electric Blue Acara Tank Mates in Your Aquarium, Dos And Donts For Selecting Electric Blue Acaras, Best Flowering Aquarium Plants For Your Tank (Expert Review), How Often Do Ghost Shrimp Molt? Based on this size range, the minimum tank size would be a 55 gallon tank, but the bigger the better for these guys. So, be sure to include a few resin caves or rockwork in the tank, and arrange some driftwood to create extra hiding places for the fish. Our primary topics include aquascaping, tank guides, equipment reviews, and showcase of various examples of great aquariums across the web. With its ability to raise pH and hardness, this rock is an excellent choice for African Cichlids. Electric blue prefers a large bloodworm and a tubule. It can cause the fish to acquire a potentially lethal secondary infection in addition to skin damage. . The Electric Blue Acara is typically smaller and more brightly colored than the normal Blue Acara. Austin, Texas 78750. Easily clean your aquarium by connecting this to your sink! The breeding tank should be at least 20 gallons. Its important to be mindful of their natural diet and how you can replicate it in captivity. That being said, they need a high-quality diet to keep their colors shining brightest. Read this care guide to learn how you can help yours thrive! In terms of their general behavior, youll definitely enjoy watching the Electric Blue Acara. Poor tank mates are ones that can easily fit in an electric blues mouth or ones that are overly aggressive or that try to fight back! Caused by poor diet, unsanitary tank conditions, and Clostridium difficile bacteria. As a cichlid species, they can also be territorial, especially the males during spawning times. You will need at least a 30 gallon aquarium for the Electric Blue Acara. As weve mentioned earlier, Electric Blue Acara are the exception to the rule when it comes to cichlid aggression. I would avoid the more aggressive cichlids and make the ACARAS the feature and ruler of the tank as they swim nicely and are very entertaining fish. Angelfish are schooling fishes that get along well with electric blue acara. But they act territorial if there is not enough room for the number of (especially) male fish in the aquarium. The Electric Blue Acara typically grows to a max size of between six and seven inches in length. They are playful and like engaging with one another and their tankmates. For a start, here's your free ebook when you sign up! You should always prioritize the health of the fish in your tank, so this is a section you dont want to skip. The electric blue acara is a freshwater species of cichlid. This can certainly become messy at times and leave the controlling aquascaper frustrated. Lastly, external stressors such as hammering or loud noises can stress fish. Unless there is food collected in the substrate, it will rarely travel to the bottom of the tank. How to Know If It Happens, Why Did My Ghost Shrimp Die? If you dont want to hassle with this then you can feed them pellets and flake fish food provided it has enough nutritional value to keep them healthy. The electric blue acara is similar to other cichlids, such as thegreen terror cichlid, but is at the same time very unique in its color. However, gravel can frustrate the fish and even injure them. Theyre bright shoaling fish that should be kept in at least eight schools. Again, some of the best species include Anubias, Java fern, and hornwort. Do not leave the tank open; instead, cover it with a robust aquarium lid to keep the blue acaras from leaping out. Scouts honor . If you keep them in small-sized groups, they can become shy. When ready, the female will lay her eggs on flat rocks or other accessible surfaces throughout the aquarium. Some fish stores may label this species as blue acara or simply acara, which can be confusing. Blue Acara (Aequidens pulcher) - Named for the blue coloration they develop in adulthood, blue acaras are unaggressive, but they do tend to dig. These cichlids grow up to 4 inches in nature, but they've been known to grow larger in captivity. Tankarium is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Furthermore, a bad diet might lead to stress. Substrate Electric blues will likely claim a piece of this real estate for themselves and guard it against other tank mates, though usually in a passive manner. . Remember, blue acaras can be found in a variety of environmental conditions, which means that these freshwater fish can also adapt to most aquarium conditions. The female will spawn the eggs and the male will fertilize them (usually shortly after). Electric Blue Acaras readily form pairs and will regularly breed in a home tank setting, diligently caring for their fry without becoming overly aggressive toward other aquarium residents. During spawning times, electric blue acara will become noticeably more aggressive and territorial. Its body shape is somewhat oval, and since it is a stocky fish, it looks plump and robust. A tank of this size will weigh a lot more than smaller tanks, especially when filled. The bond and amount of time you have with your fish is what its all about. This means soft, acidic water with water hardness between 2 and 10 KH and pH between 6.0 to 7.0. Poor water quality can result in the fish's immune system becoming weakened, leaving it vulnerable to diseases. Electric Blue Acara are omnivores but eat a lot of live critters in the wild. This means youll need to feed them enough protein-rich food to satisfy their nutritional requirements. Install the heater and filtration unit, but dont switch them on. They are quiet and hang out towards the aquariums bottom. The electric blue acara, . 7 Large Bodied Tetra. Growth and Development. Wed love to know what you think, so please tell us in the comments box below. Once that is done, it is time for plants! Subpar living conditions, poor water quality, and high stress will significantly decrease how long they live. Or you landed on here because you had no idea what they are? Ich parasite lives in tank water, so quarantining individuals is ineffective. So, every week you must carry out partial water changes to remove excess ammonia and nitrites and to keep nitrate levels down. These Dwarf rainbows are prefect for smaller aquariums. If you have a fish suffering from pH shock, youll have to rely on the fishs hardiness and a little luck. Affected fish have red skin or gills, excess mucus on the skin, flicking or rubbing on substrate and tank dcor, labored respiration. #1. Although the fry is guarded by the male or female fish, during the first two weeks of their lives, the youngsters will stay close to their mother. When purchasing an electric blue acara, make sure that its colors are bright and its behaviors are normal. They have a striking electric blue color that stands out no matter what other fish you keep in your tank, and it is one of the most stunning cichlids which is also surprisingly easy to keep. They are larger fish that need to be fed several times throughout the day. These fish are like your typical sucker fish but with more of a coolness factor, and they are smaller to boot. Having an electric blue acara is a big responsibility, and you should always make sure you are willing to care for it throughout its life, as many pet stores are reluctant to accept fully grown fish back. The fishes have to thrive in very soft water from very hard water. Due to their peculiar tendencies can cause some havoc in a community tank; however, this is rarely a major issue, and if the tank is large enough, they will keep to themselves. It is true for most fish, but the electric blue andinoacara pulcher is a cichlid that does not enjoy swimming in dirty waters. Theyre an extremely well-liked fish among aquarists and in recent years weve seen interest in them increase even more. In the aquarium hobby, the electric blue acara is a favorite cichlid to keep due to its bright coloration, hardiness, conforming temperament, and easy breeding. They require basic care that even a beginner can keep up with, and they are a beautiful addition to any freshwater tank. Otherwise known as the Cynotilapia afra, the dogtooth cichlid is a small species native to Lake Malawi. The pair will fiercely protect their fry for up to two weeks, and will be ready to breed again shortly after this time period. Electric blue acaras are a colorful freshwater fish native to South America. While electric blue acaras arent schooling fish, they definitely prefer to be in groups with their own kind. That is quite a long time for a fish, as it might even outlive a large dog! Most cichlid enthusiasts keep their tanks simple with rocks, like Texas holey rock, ceramic flower pots, and driftwood. #6. There should be fewer plants in the breeding tank, and you may want to opt for plants with larger leaves and a substrate with larger grains. Interacting with their tank mates can provide enrichment and stimulation to electric blue acaras. Blue Acara 29 gallon planted tank. pH shock is rather easy to avoid; routine maintenance (water changes) is essential, like double-checking the water quality before putting them in your tank. They're peaceful and will avoid starting trouble with other fish, You have a lot of options when it comes to choosing suitable electric blue acara tank mates. Now, you can add your plants. It is an aggressive fish and is knon for being a good fighter. Add your decorations to the tank, rinsing them first to wash away any dust. In fact, Electric Blue Acara care is something that pretty much anyone can manage. Dont add dechlorinator to the water if you want to cycle the tank before introducing fish. The electric blue acara can live for 10 years when kept in a property-conditioned tank. In addition, small invertebrates, like dwarf shrimp and snails, will also be seen as food for your electric blue acara. Quarantine affected fish; treat water with an antifungal remedy. The first thing you will need is at least a 75 gallon aquarium. The eggs will incubate for two to three days when the fry will hatch and begin hunting for food. Shrimps and small fish give blue cichlids a special treat. Electric Blue Acara are one of our favorite cichlids due to their size, coloration and wide range of tank mate. They have also been documented in several other countries as nonnatives, but little documentation of their range exists. This includes a sand substrate along with driftwood or rock for decoration. Currently Alison has two large freshwater tanks. If the light fixture is too intense, then floating plants and other aquarium decorations can be used to diffuse bright areas. Electric blue acaras are an extremely popular hybrid cichlid. Other suitable community members include Discus, Pearl Cichlids, Uaru Cichlids, and Angelfish. The average size of Electric Blue Acara is somewhere between 6 and 7 inches in length. 1 Bristle Nose Pleco. Theres no point in trying to save a few dollars by purchasing cheap, poor quality food, as that wont be good for your fishes health in the long-term. The common recommendation is a 20-gallon tank with the water temperature set to about 75 or 76 degrees Fahrenheit. Quickly catch it! I don't need to stuff as many fish as possible into this tank, I would just like a balanced, fairly peaceful community tank to enjoy for the long term. Electric blue acaras are relatively large fish that enjoy their swimming space. The short course in Malawi's is as follows (note there are no "rules" here, only broad suggestions frequently very successfully broken): It offers them a feeling of safety and helps them relax a little (which is great for reducing stress). Since the female and male will be exceptionally active at the bottom of the tank during the breeding process youll want to stick with soft substrate (like sand). Min Tank Size: 30 Gallons. The problem is that these fish regularly uproot and disturb their surroundings, so the species of plants kept must be able to tolerate some rough handling. His site was created to share his knowledge and unique teaching style on a larger scale. On average, the Electric Blue Acara has a lifespan of about 8-10 years when kept in captivity. The electric blue acara is a hardy fish that generally adapts to most aquarium water conditions. Malawi bloat is a common disease of cichlids. They will also spend a decent amount of time investigating and digging into the substrate. Keep in mind that these are active fish and require room to thrive - a bigger tank is always better. These fish still display some excellent parenting, though! Keep in mind that a low water flow in addition to high lighting can fuel algae growth. FLOWERHORN CICHLID 1" Bonsai Flowerhorn F Mixed . You can install an air pump or create a surface disturbance. The electric blue acara is a hardy fish without many needs. Make sure that whatever foods youre giving them have some plant-based properties as well. If you have any rooted plants this might cause an issue because these little fish can uproot them on occasion. You will want the water temperature in the breeding tank to be around 75F. These fish are very popular due to their intense coloration, compatible demeanor, and ease of breeding. Additional aeration is usually not necessary but an air stone can be used to help circulate lower portions of the tank and to add aesthetic. Over the next two months, the baby fish will continue to develop. Lower-grade acaras might even have patches of blue missing, revealing sections of black and grey. Electric blue acaras are hardier than most fish. I don't think I . These, Why Your Betta Fish Is Laying At The Bottom Of The Tank, Why Is My Goldfish Turning White? They are iridescent, too, and come in a variety of colors. What Are The Best Plants For Electric Blue Acaras? Does anyone know if 1 electric blue acara would be ok in a 29 gallon tank with probably: 2 angelfish, 2-3 dwarf gouramis, 1 bristlnose pleco, a few panda Cory catfish OR a few black Kuhli loaches. They are simple to look after and normally go about their business. Electric Blue Acara Care. This means that the electric blue acara cannot be found in nature and has been bred for its color expression within the aquarium hobby. The temperature in a breeding tank should ideally be about 77 degrees Fahrenheit; once the spawning is complete, you will want to remove the adult fish to prevent them from eating their fry. They can both display a yellow or orange margin on the top of the dorsal fin. $24.99 shipping. This is a very manageable size and allows them to be comfortable in a fairly average tank. They are very hardy and will thrive in an established and well-maintained freshwater setup. They are colorful and gentle, allowing them to coexist with various fish species, including the electric blue acara. For EBAs, the water temperature in the tank should be around 72 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit. If its taking your fish four minutes or longer to eat their meal, youre feeding them too much! South American cichlids of a similar size to the Acara can make suitable tankmates. These fish are compatible with other fish as tank mates, and it is smart to place them with others of the same breed or for their tank mates to be fish of a similar size and with friendly personalities. Once these fish have reached the 4-5 inch mark in their growth theyre able to breed. Stress is something that fish, like people, must cope with regularly. Shock can make it harder for a fish to breathe; increasing the amount of oxygen in the water will greatly assist them. If you have the room for a 55 gallon I would suggest getting a 75 gallon bigger footprint better for medium size fish. Brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, bloodworms, earthworms, and even fresh pieces of mollusk and fish may be given as a treat. It is a member of the cichlid family and can grow to be up to 10 inches in length. But its the green horizontal lines on the fishs face and the bluish-green, metallic scales that give the creature its stunning electric blue color. For instance, African cichlids grow around six inches long. The top 10 tank mates for Electric Blue Acara. Can you keep discus in a 55 gallon tank? 1 PAIR - Cichlid Rams Short Body - Electric Blue Balloon Ram - RARE FISH . This is usually pretty easy to notice so youll have a heads up that things are about to happen. Contrary to popular belief, fish can grow irritated in the same way as humans do. The best tank shape to choose for the Blue Acara is long rather than tall. On the flip side, I dont recommend very large or aggressive species either, as they may harass and stress the Acaras. 1. The same can be said about the aquarium decorations used. Electric blue acara are active swimmers that need a lot of open space to enjoy. You will require a tank with a nominal capacity of 60 gallons if you want to keep a pair of electric blue acara and a bristlenose pleco. What Aquarium Habitats Does Electric Blue Acara Prefer? I hope you enjoyed our Electric Blue Acara care guide and found it helpful. 7 Cory Cats. Discus is a social fish that you should keep in schools, and they rarely bother the other fish in the tank. All in all, the electric blue acara has very basic cichlid care requirements. Minimum Tank Size: Thirty gallons is the minimum, but I like to see adult angelfish in 55-gallon tanks or larger. 2. On the other hand, electric blue acara is a resilient species of fish. These freshwater fish are not dwarf cichlids and cannot be kept in nano tank conditions! Care level: Easy. 3 Red Severum 0.75-1"- Home Bred -Live Freshwater Tropical Aquarium Fish. The electric blue acara, also known by its scientific name andinoacara pulcher hybrid, is a freshwater fish which relative the blue acara, is native to Colombia, Venezuela, and other countries in South America. Gouramis have always been a popular choice for community tanks. You should stick to feeding a quality brand of fish food for your cichlid fish to stay healthy and live a long life. The natural habitat of the electric blue acara has a diverse range of plant species. Tank Requirements for Electric Blue Acara. Therefore, they bring variety to a communal aquarium. Their caudal fin is symmetrical and about as tall from top to bottom as their body. Skin ulcers, reddening of skin, cloudy eyes. While a lot of aquarists dont like the idea of having a single-species tank for the sake of variety, the visual display you get from this fish has changed a lot of minds. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. These fish prefer medium lighting levels, and you can use floating plants to diffuse the light if necessary. Ich and skin fluke are two of the most common sicknesses that Electric Blue Acara might get. This saves some confusion about sexing them and gives the hobbyist several pairs to choose from. Their peaceful nature means that theyll get along with most other fish in a community tank and will avoid starting trouble whenever possible. Pretty much anything peaceful that can thrive with similar water parameters is possible. You must also include the minimum tank size for that tank mate if you want to keep them together. Electric Blue Acaras are pretty peaceful creatures that make a nice addition to a community setup. Temperature around 75-76F is also optimal. Another vibrant tank partner for electric blue acara is the moga cichlid. Here are some great Electric Blue Acara tank mates that we recommend: This is just a small example of the potential tank mates you can pair with this fish, but its a good starting point. They mainly stay towards the bottom of the tank but will venture into the upper middle portions at times. How many Blue Acara should be kept together? These are quite large fish, and they do need plenty of swimming space, so the minimum tank size youll need is 30 gallons. It has fins of the same color and a dorsal fin that swims seamlessly through the water. Rainbowfish should be kept in small groups to avoid hostile behaviors among themselves. It will add to their happiness and serve as a virtue of comfort and enrichment. Angelfish have a distinct appearance when compared to other fishes. If you take care of them properly and stay committed to maintaining their habitat then youll have them for a while. . What sets the Blue Acara apart is its remarkably vibrant coloration. One clutch includes about 100 to 200 eggs. Tack on fifteen additional gallons for every new fish you want to keep. With each additional Acara you introduce to the tank, make sure you add 15 gallons of water space in their tank. It would benefit if you used a soft sand substrate to cover the bottom of the aquarium where the blue andinoacara pulcher lives since this allows your electric blue acara fish to dig without risking injury. Size: 6-10 Inches Tall. The best numbers to shoot for are either two Electric Blue Acara with each other, or 6,8,10, etc. Electric Blue Acaras have a typical, oval cichlid body shape with pointed dorsal and anal fins. Of course, there are some species that one should not keep with electric blue acaras. They are omnivorous and require a varied diet of dry and wet foods. Failure to do so will result in catastrophic health consequences. The fishes preferred habitat is streams where the current is strong, and the water is clear and well-oxygenated. Feed a base of quality fish flakes and the occasional treat ofbloodwormsand other live food. Mark is the founder of Aquarium Store Depot. These are stocky, compact fish, growing to reach up to seven inches in length when fully mature, although they are capable of breeding at around four inches long. Tank Setup: Amazone biotope tank with plenty of leaf litter and wood. Apr 12, 2022. Do note that you should only interfere and alter the pH of the water if your fish is in distress. Use an aquarium gravel vacuum cleaner to remove fish waste, uneaten food, and plant debris from the substrate. The electric blue jack dempsey is a freshwater fish that is native to Central America. He has kept freshwater tanks, ponds, and reef tanks for over 25 years. One of the best things about electric blue acara is that they eat anything you offer them! These fishes can be kept in groups and coexist nicely with their species. As a South American cichlid, the blue acara prefers softer and more acidic water parameters. Its no mystery why this already popular fish is being found in more and more freshwater tanks around the world. The best electric blue acara tank will have a minimal design with open space that accents the natural colors and behaviors of the fish. Electric blue acaras should not be kept with African blood-parrot cichlids because these fish are known to chase acaras out of the aquarium. What stands out about the basic facts about this fish is how long it lives, and despite not being all that big it can live for up to 10 years! You should also feed flaked foods and cichlid pellets. Reply. Aug 9, 2020. My buddy breeds electric blue acara fish and always wants to give me like 4-6 of them, however I read online that I can only have 1 acara in a 29 gallon. Like other cichlids, electric blues will rearrange the tank to how they like it, especially during spawning periods. This means if you have two of these cichlids youll need 45 gallons. Thus, the faster you can improve the fishs position, the better. In male specimens, the fins are longer than the females, and the rays of the anal and dorsal fins typically arch around the caudal fin. Free shipping for many products! The one place on their bodies where the bright coloration fades a bit is their forehead. At the same time as the water change, the substrate should be vacuumed to remove uneaten food and other wastes that might have accumulated. Electric blue acaras dont consume plants very often. The general rule for this is to make sure the total number of these fish is divisible by two. A pair thats about to mate will start to interact with each other more often than before. This condition can cause the fish to lose color, become unhappy, and be lethargic, in addition to the skin damage. The electric blue andinoacara pulcher does a great job taking care of itself with some basiccichlid careneeds provided. It is tall, with a 75-gallon footprint. You wont be disappointed. . He has worked on making aquarium and pond keeping approachable. You can generally prevent this issue by getting a right-sized aquarium with enough fish and places to hide. These fish may then be bred in the main display aquarium or in a breeding tank. Water temperature: The temperature range required for the water environment of electric blue acara is 68-82F.