This is an application for Fellowship. Creative Portfolios with Mahara, _______________________________________________________________. With over 65 international members and over 127,000 HEA Fellows across the world, the HEA Fellowship . In this way, students were given key materials (the referencing guides and some resources) and asked to problem-solve how they would reference these resources. HEA Fellowship provides academic and professional staff with recognition of their practice, impact and leadership of teaching and learning across four categories, from Associate Fellow to Principal Fellow. In 2016 I gained fellowship of the Higher Education Academy. There is a show and tell opportunity where you are able to see how and what other folk are doing on myCourse with the functions. I will also include links to social media sites that are owned by key industry players. All the content in this portfolio was from when I worked at Southampton Solent University, and successfully became a Fellow of the HEA in May 2015. A sample from Olga's HEA Fellowship application The next step was to decide on the overall style of my application. With students walking, talking and mingling, a dynamic environment emerged where students combined cognitive activity with physical movement and interaction. As with the first, I had a great opportunity to experience life as a student taking a MOOC (both good and bad) and felt that I was now ready to start disseminating my new knowledge of MOOCs with my colleagues. a complex topic of teaching at Higher Ed broken down into a finite number of Although this sounded quite exciting, we knew it would be a challenge to ensure that the pace of the session would be suitable for all who attended. I now work in Learning and Teaching, which I love. As a result of these conversations, I have begun drafting guidance for our team on what inclusive pedagogy in referencing classes could look like, so that this work impacts on students beyond just my areas of support [A4, K3]. It was during this course that I was able to build up enough confidence to successfully apply for a promotion to become a Learning Technologist. I also enjoy writing and have written a report and contributed to two journal articles that have been published inDialogue(the SSU internal publication). Students fedback enjoyed the breakout rooms and joint experience in Word in this module, but some experienced their submissions being accidently deleted which introduced assessment anxiety to the process, and I decided that in future, engagement marks would need more consideration when using open tools [K4, K5, K6]. Career and Leadership Services Sample Cover Letters . Ill admit my motivation was somewhat dodgy to start with. This application was prepared against the 2019 UK Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF)you will find this cross-referenced through markers for the Dimensions of Practice in square brackets (A1-A5, K1-K6, V1-V4). Available at: Using different technologies, particularly Padlet and collaborative Word documents has allowed me to achieve collaborative participation in PCs rooms and lecture halls good practice identified by Brodie (2013) spaces which would normally find particularly challenging for this kind of knowledge. If you are submitting an application before 31 December 2023, you can still use the 2011 version of the PSF. This approach is doi: 10.1177/1440783313504059. You should complete this section against the relevant descriptor statements (D1-D3) in the UKPSF, making sure that you provide evidence against the relevant Dimensions of the Framework. This site is aimed at all staff and students with the hope that it can support them for whatever purpose. Required fields are marked *. The workshops took place in an IT suite so learners could set up an account (if they wanted to) and explore the many features and functionalities that the system supports. Once the list was completed, I would ask the class to review the list against the referencing criteria and point out to me and the class what could be improved. Each student is to be given a worksheet (below) where they can work through a series of about me questions that could hopefully form the start of their profile on LinkedIn, a professional networking site . This application was prepared over the course of 2019-2021. I am the Academic Liaison Librarian for the subjects of: Languages, Linguistics and TESOL; Fine Art, Photography and Illustration; Design; Music; Music Production; Media Production; Drama, Theatre and Dance; Computer Sciences; Data Science; Mathematics. I have 2 young kids and a dog, and I love meeting other Mq people, so give me a shout if you'd like to talk 'learning and teaching' or would like to brainstorm together. On reflection, this method of teaching really suited the participants as those who managed to pick up the technology quickly were able to either help those around them or make discoveries of their own and share them with the class. You articulately framed your claim for Fellowship at D2 in relation to your professional role, straddling the boundary between professional support and academic engagement. Gillberg, C. (2020) The significance of crashing past gatekeepers of knowledge: Towards full participation of disabled scholars in ableist academic structures, in Brown, N. and Leigh, J. My HEA Fellowship Portfolio by Sam Taylor Details For info. Further, your contributions towards scholarship through your own research outputs and your editorial contributions demonstrate how you routinely incorporate the outputs from research into your practice (D2.5). The PSF sets out the professional standards for higher education. Sam plans and delivers sessions to both staff and students in both one to one and one to many situations. Though engagement was good, assessment of the Collaborative Word documents became more generalised (to avoid giving individual feedback in a mass group setting which may not be appropriate) which is not ideal, but gives space for students to assess their own submissions against the generalised feedback. Supporters must complete the proforma relevant to the category of Fellowship sought by the applicant. Yes, we have three National Research Service Award individual fellowship (F31) grant applications available at Sample Applications & More. Having a toddler who wakes me up around 5 am every morning, that is simply not feasible for me. London: UCL Press. Focusing a Critical Lens on Universal Design for Learning,Canadian Journal of Disability Studies, 9(5), pp. If you get lucky and have Tony as the author of your text, no trouble will threaten your success! In addition to my support, its my role to ensure that the SSU rules and regs with regards to assessments are met and that the technology does support the assessment. (2019) Identifying and facilitating a community of practice in information literacy in higher education. Hattie, J. and Timperley, H. (2007) The Power of Feedback,Review of Educational Research, 77(1), pp. Fellowship brings you a range of benefits: Consolidates personal development and evidence of professional practice in your higher education career; Provides a valuable measure of success and is increasingly recognised by international institutions; Demonstrates commitment to teaching, learning and the student experience, through engagement in a . I consider myself more as a facilitator of learning rather than a teacher as I rely on my participants to follow my advice and guidance, reflect on how it can affect their everyday practices, and finally share it with their peers. focussed academics with a focus on senior and principal fellowships. Higher Education Academy (HEA) Fellowship The University of Sunderland is accredited by the Higher Education Academy to award Fellowship aligned to the UK Professional Standards Framework (UK PSF). My intention is to create training resources for teaching librarians to improve the accessibility of their teaching when it comes to visually impaired students. There is also a Canvas Site with a recording of the information session along with examples of applications and additional guidance documents. Peach, T. and McCluskey-Dean, C. (2019)Diversity in information resources: working towards inclusion. Here are some tips on writing a diversity statement in academic or job application purposes. Change). My current research is investigating UK HE teaching librarians contextual and nuanced knowledges of screen-readers and screen-reader accessibility to understand the extent to which the pedagogies of information literacy are sufficiently developed with a disability lens. My research and practice in accessibility has particularly developed my approaches to social constructivism so that a disability lens helps me to see where inaccessibility is a barrier to constructing knowledge, how this introduces inequity into my classroom, and asks me to rethink my teaching to reduce such inequities [A4, A5, K2, K3, V1, V2]. Key guides for effective teaching in higher education series. As my relationships with academics and programmes have deepened, so has my ability to teach within these paradigms. The lecturer could instead request a reflective journal or blog, digital portfolio, video or something else that will demonstrate that the students have met the intended outcomes. assessors/trainers who talked us through HEA framework. An example of this would be my work to support staff wanting to use the Mahara ePortfolio system that we call myPortfolio. Swanson, T. (2006) Information Literacy, Personal Epistemology, and Knowledge Construction: Potential and Possibilities,College & Undergraduate Libraries, 13(3), pp. Hsin, W.-J. Support for writing your application. With over a decade of HE teaching, including 6 years of programme leadership experience, I currently lecture on BA (Hons) Graphic Design for Digital Media at GCU. I am responsible for writing and building the myPortfolio Guide in myCourse ( 515549. 119. It empowers us as citizens to reach and express informed views and to engage fully with society (Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals, 2018). I often try to identify opportunities where I can support student learning, including staff in need of training. I will also continue to nurture my Personal Learning Network as I have found this to be key to my professional success. There are usually only between two and three participants in each, allowing for better support, however staff are able to book a one-to-one with me if they dont feel confident learning in a group. View all posts by ThomasPeachLib, Your email address will not be published. Tell your story with examples that the reader may be able to relate to. You may identify specific career milestones, influential professional development activities, engagement with significant others, etc.