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Sometimes we may feel that Islam feels like work, but if we remember what the Prophet Muhammad told someone who asked: O Messenger of Allah, indeed, the legislated acts of Islam have become too much for me, so inform me of a thing that I should stick to., Let not your tongue cease to be moist with the remembrance of Allah.(At-Tirmidhi). This may seem counter-intuitive, but tests are also out of Allah's love. Or are you just trying to fill the void in your heart by claiming to have a lover? Molana Ashif Ali khan Thank you soo much my Aliya comes back to me i cant believe you done this for me. There is a degree of love Allah has for all believers, but the actions, responses, and choices He loves cause one to be loved more. If you really do love the person you are with, the time has come for you to proceed with marriage. If your love in insecure and youre afraid to commit to the person you love through marriage then what is the point in saying I love you every night? DUA:Wa min Aayaatiheee an khalaqa lakum min anfusikum azwaajal litaskunooo ilaihaa wa jaala bainakum mawad datanw wa rahmah; inna fee zaalika la Aayaatil liqawminy yatafakkaroon(Surah Ar-Rum 30:21), MEANING:And one of His signs is that He created for you partners from among yourselves so that you may find comfort in them. It is believed that reciting it can wash away your sins and fulfil any of your wishes. This is because you wont always have the time to figure a person out. What To Do If These Dua not Showing Any Effects? Allah loves those who believe and do good deeds. Also reflect and realize that those beautiful nature picture photographers captures were created by Allah, recognize them, reflect, and appreciate the gift. You can judge what is under control. We will provide you with The Powerful Dua To Make Someone Fall In Love With You in the proper halal method from Quran and Sunnah. It is always better to seek guidance from an Islamic Scholar Like ourMolana Ashif Ali Khanif you have any doubts or questions. You are only wasting your time and their time. There will come failure, death, trauma and so many things as you grow and you just dont want to deal with more of that, even after marriage. 8 Foundational Arguments for the Existence of God, 10 habits that hinder your relationship with Allah. If you cannot imagine waking up next to them every morning, then you are not in love. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. We ensure that you can only find this information on this website, so our best advice is to read this article properly if you want a Proper solution. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". What you think about and what you do are things you can control, and are morally responsible for before Allah. Having sabr withblessings is also shown by utilising the good things Allah gave us if it is money, do we spend it freely in the way of Allah, or do we hold back? DUA: Allahummarzuqni hubbuka, wa hubba man yanfa`uni hubbuhu `indak. Even with personality, your preferences as a teenager will not be the same when you are 21. Call on your Lord with utter humility and in private, The holy water of Zam Zam is considered a great giftfromAllah, Whatever is between east and west is the direction of prayer.. Allahs Messenger (SAW) said: Zamzam water is for what it is drunk for.. Now, this is the same mistake a lot of people are still making. He was in Jannah, but even Jannah was not enough, without a partner to share it with. 195). With Allah its different; you get equal and even more than the love you give him. 2022 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED BY ASHIF ALI KHAN. The following question was asked, and it comes up quite a lot: What if someone doesnt seem to be going through any major trials, and in fact, they are being blessed with abundance. Thanks to the sisters who gave the following suggestions: Finally, What if you are not being tested? We have meeting for Past few weeks At first He showed good intrest with me which made crazy about him. His mission was tough but he had a home to come back to every day. The truth is you can never please people no matter how hard you try. 23, pp. Everything that happens in our lives has a plan and purpose. Through this article, I hope to help you make sense of how you feel regarding the person you are in love with. Allah Says about the believers, (what means): "He loves them and they love Him," [Quran 5:54] and the Prophet said: " A man would not have attained . In his own words, here are Hazrat Musleh-e-Mauds(ra) 10 ways to achieve Allahs love (taken from his speech entitled Taalluq Billah, delivered on 28 December 1952 at Jalsa Salana Rabwah). But those who believe are stronger in love for Allah . Although she was a widow, she was in love once again. Shaytaan lights a fire that can only be put out through sexual intimacy. Allah the Almighty states in the Holy Quran: , Meaning, And follow the nature made by Allah the nature in which He has created mankind. Todays topic is very important for You. To prove my point, lets take a trip back in time, all the way back to Adam (Peace be upon him). Youre only making a fool out of yourself and them. We can ask Allah (SWT) by performingIshtikhara dua, via you can get a sign from Allah SWT by which you can know whether you are in the right direction. By doing it you show that you truly want Allah to be involved in your decision making and you want Him to assure you. and do not throw yourselves into destruction (by not spending your wealth in the Cause of Allah), and do good. Sometimes the answer to a test is that need for Allah , those long hours . For any help, contact ourMolana Ashif Ali Khanon Whats App. It is always better to seek guidance from an Islamic Scholar Like our, Wal muminoona wal muminaatu baduhum awliyaaau bad; yamuroona bilmaroofi wa yanhawna anil munkari wa yuqeemoonas Salaata wa yutoonaz Zakaata wa yuteeoonal laaha wa Rasoolah., The Believers, men, and women are protectors of one another; they enjoin what is just, and forbid what is evil: they observe regular prayers, practice regular charity, and obey Allah and His Messenger., (O The Most Loving, O The Most Kind, O The Most Majestic) I beg of You to bring back the love of (That Person name) for me.. MEANING: "O Allah, provide me with Your Love and the Love of those whose love will benefit me with You. Islam teaches us that a male and female can build up a good relationship founded on marriage. So Allah created a miracle for mankind the woman. They were blessed with wealth and status too, but they used that to serve Allah and the Ummah. Because if the servant reacts with Sabrand contentment with Allahs decree, it brings them closer to Allah. Recite: Ya Mujeebu Ya Mujeebu Ya Mujeebu, 123 times (O Responder to Prayers, O Grantor of Needs, O Grantor of Wishes), (Allah is Great). Surah Al-Muminun tells us the importance of humility, submission to God, gratitude, and appreciation of ones fellow beings., Then, when thou hast Made a decision, put thy trust in Allah. Does God love you? It does not store any personal data. They have, Luckily, Hazrat Musleh-e-Maud(ra) has answered these immensely difficult questions, and has provided practical solutions and steps to fall in love with Allah so that He may fall in Love with you. The Prophet replied, "What have you prepared for it?". If, in this situation, a doctor suddenly appears riding a horse towards him and treats him causing him to heal, then everyone will realise that this was not merely a doctor, but was God Himself coming to save His servant. Glory to Allah, Who created in pairs all things that the earth produces, as well as their own (human) kind and (other) things they do not know. Allahs love is exceptional and extraordinarily full of fear and hope, you know those moments when you secretly love someone? Remember nothing in this life lasts forever, so the, Allah does not burden any soul beyond what it can bear [. Assalamualaikum We meet, come rain or shine, on Sunday mornings at 11.10am 1pm at Kingston Mosque. Right now for example, you might think you want that. Does Allah love such a person less than someone He subjects to obvious harsh trials? Tests can take many forms, they can be great or small, a one-off trial or something we face consistently. Quran Academy youve been gifted with a family while others roam about on-street without families. A person is tried according to his religion. the punishment of the Hereafter which is much worse than any test faced in this Dunya. I heard the Prophet () saying, Mary, the daughter of `Imran, was the best among the women (of the world of her time) and Khadija is the best amongst the women (of this nation).. It also talks in-depth about winning the love of someone you feel can be your soulmate. You are only wasting your time and their time. When it shines, there is no denying it. O Allah, that which you have removed of what Ilove, then make it a free space for me for that which youlove.. Just think of things you have that others dont, reflect on them, and be grateful. But ask yourself, how can something that doesnt please Allah ever bring any good to your life? It isnt too late. In Fiqh, we have a concept called Maqaasid-us-Shariah which means The goals of the Shariah. Aslam walikum First of all thank you Molana shaib my love of life with me because of you. When one obtains this status, then certainly, they will begin to love Allah the Almighty and when they do so, God Almighty will also begin to love them. 10 ways to achieve Allah's love - Al Hakam In this situation, Islam has given two solutions either to accept that person in your Nikah or to stay away that person, because keeping in touch with the person who is not mehram can put you in trouble. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Many people aspire to marry someone they deeply love but sometimes encounter difficulties. Someone who is able to love without any restrictions. Written By A. Helwa. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Allah says in Surah Ar-Rum, verse 21: And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquillity in them; and He placed between you affection and mercy. The above verse states that Islam has clearly given solutions to every matter and it has clearly defined the ways of right and wrong. , show me some direction and bless me to attract my love. Its important to remember that this dua should only be used for lawful and morally justifiable reasons and that, ultimately, the outcome is in the hands of Allah. , as it is not only limited to physical cleanliness but also emphasizes spiritual and moral purification. Hopefully, by the end of it, you will have an idea of who the Khadeejah (May Allah be pleased with her) in your life may be. Maybe it is not under control. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. These are signs which magnetise one towards the court of Allah the Almighty and lift him from the ground towards His throne. If you really do love the person you are with, the time has come for you to proceed with marriage. So ease is no less of a test of our faith, especially when we remember that Iblis vowed to use ingratitude as a means to lead us astray (see Quran 7: 16-17). And Allah knows best. Allah tells us:Perhaps you dislike a thing and Allah makes therein much good. [Quran 4: 19]. On WhatsApp By clicking on the below whats app icon. Similarly, if there were only good to choose, then we'd all go to heaven. Mene bhot jghaa see pucha khi mera kaam nhe hua par Ashif ali ji ne mere haar masle thik kar diye Allha tala ashif ali ji ko lambi sheat bakshe Inshallah Asif ali ji aap bhot neek or paak kaam kr rhe hai, Keep telling Allah he will surely answer nd try the wazifa nd take heart it happens normally but nevr give up, Right Amira Beta Allah Tala se Bda iss duniya me koi nhe haii, Thank you very much for the information provided So, next time you are feeling down about being broke, say Alhamdulillah because it is a blessing in disguise, but you know not. If you hope to rekindle a relationship with an ex-partner, you may be interested in readingPowerful Dua to get your ex-lover back., AL-AZEEZ, I am grateful for everything you have given me and thank you for hearing my Dua. To love the creation in such a way suddenly and rapidly ignites the fire of divine Love . Or being deprived of something might, in fact, be saving us from something that is not good for us, even though we dont have the knowledge to realise it at the time. Finally, if there is a soft voice at the back of your head that is wondering if you have the energy it takes to tolerate that person on a daily basis, then you are not in love. When Khadeejah (May Allah be pleased with her) witnessed the Prophet s behavior, she knew instantly that he is the one. 194-195). Its easy to rebel and defy Allah when you cannot see Him. Such feelings could happen to anyone with anyone, but being a Muslim we should be aware of that what Islam says in regard to this. Out of His wisdom and His divine love, Allah forbade us from opposite-gender relationships, except through marriage. The way to show patience with such a test is to always be grateful, to know Allah is the source of our blessings, to fight pride and ego, and to fight the temptation to show off. It is also mentioned in . And from his pet cemetery film Gates of Heaven (1978) to his portrait of right-wing provocateur Steve Bannon, American Dharma (2018), he has been adored and controversial, and has challenged the . Allah knows that when a non-mahram man and woman come together, Shaytaan is the third person. (Allahumma salli ala Muhammad wa-aali Muhammad kama sallayta ala Ibrahim wa-aali Ibrahim). 197), (The Weekly Al Hakam, 11th September 2020), The Official Website of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. How To Love Allah Sincerely - Qamar Islam Khan If you want someone to contact you immediately and have them think only of you, you can recite the Dua to make someone call you instantly and think of me.. Love isnt how poets define it. When it shines, there is no denial of its existence. Whoever recites Surah Yaseen at night seeking Allahs approval, Allah would forgive him., If you wish to attain your goals and desires through the power of prayer, it is recommended that you recite the Dua to get what you want., Except with those joined to them in the marriage bond, or (the captives) whom their right hands possess, for (in their case) they are free from blame.(23:6). Thus, Allah the Almighty states in this regard: Meaning, Surely, Allah loves those who are just. It means that we as Muslims are allowed to see goodness in people with the intentions to marry him or her. Allahumma wa ma zawaita `anni mimma uhibbu faj`alhu faraghan li fima tuhibb, , that which you have provided me of what I, , make it strong for me in that which you, , then make it a free space for me for that which you. Isnt that what true love is like? An exceptional love. If we remember Allah, He will remember us. They can come in the form of hardships or, they can come in the form of blessings. AL-ALEEM, show me some direction and bless me to attract my love. In the process, they become heedless and worry less about what Allah thinks of them. So being tested with abundance does not necessarily mean that person is less beloved to Allah, they are just being tested differently. 188-189), Sympathy and love for Allahs creation and loving humanity also ignites divine Love If you treat Allahs creation well in order to gain His love, then Allah Himself will speak to you, saying, Come, be near me , You must imagine the creation of Allah before your eyes and think, These people are beloved to my God. Love is halal, but it has to be within the limits of the Shariah. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Indeed, Allah of what you do, is Seeing." ( 2:110) Life before Amaliah, over on our podcast, Amaliah Voices, Rizq-Allah will provide from sources you cannot imagine. In fact, they were among those promised paradise. Privacy Policy, Terms of Use & Comment Policy on Blog. The second means to attract divine love is to reflect and deliberate upon the divine attributes, which, in Sufi terminology, is called fikr. It is Allah who has created everything and subjected it for our service. I am a Muslim man and fell in love with a sikh girl in graduate school. He gives His blessings upon them out of His love for them. Ibn Al-Qayyim (rahimahullah) stated that when we are tested, we are faced with 2 options: So when we lack patience and get frustrated / bitter/ panicky, or lose hope/ blame Allah, this is actually a choice we make, and not a very good one. Islam says wives to make love with your husband and similarly it says to husbands that make love with your wives. Frequently, Christians say to me that God is Love, as if the God I know and love is not a loving God. We will provide you with The Powerful Dua To Make Someone Fall In Love With You in the, This is the Book about which there is no doubt, a guidance for those conscious of Allah (, Surahs and Dua Which will help you to Make Someone Fall In Love With You. Signs From Allah About Marriage - Love Istikhara Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Islam teaches that Allah, Who created . The Prophet said, "You will be with those whom you love.". Through the love of his life, he found the strength he needed to become the best of mankind. Like I mentioned above, real love is like the sun. Unlike a non-marital relationship, marriage is built on commitment, trust, and loyalty. So if there is firmness in his religion, then the trial is increased, and if there is a weakness, then it is lightened. The love of Allah - Islamweb It is one thing to recite: but it is entirely different to reflect upon how Allah is Holy, how Allah is the Greatest and how Allah is deserving of all praise and admiration. Believers are expected to follow that guidance to the best of their ability. Just make sure you take your love in the right direction. Allah encourages people to rectify their affairs so they won't remain in harmful, damaging sins that ruin their and other people's lives. It isnt too late. Powerful Dua To Make Someone Fall In Love With You [100% Proof] I just wanted to know that should I recite surah ar rahman ten times?or should I recite verse 1 to 10 of surah ar rahman? What are limitations set by Islam in regard to Love? Believers! Begin by cleaning yourself through wudu, as purification is essential in front of Allah. Ensure you maintain your intentions and focus on the person throughout the wazifa. Powerful Dua To Make Someone Fall In Love With You in 3 Days Islam is a religion of love and peace. In the following article, I address all the Muslims around the world who are hopelessly in love with someone. The obligatory are simply the bare minimum a person needs to do. 194), One who attempts to establish justice in this world for the sake of Allah the Almighty also ignites divine love in his heart , There are often two reasons for perpetuating injustice: one either holds love for a party or bears enmity against the other. It is normal to have a crush on someone every once in a while. By acquiring knowledge and acting upon knowledge man understands that whatever the Divine chooses is the best. Faith in Allah is like a tree, its roots firm, and branches in the sky; the more a person worships Allah, the more his faith grows and the more his heart finds peace. (Tirmidhi). You think you are in love right now. What if I dont have a picture of the girl I love, Please help me I want my ex back and be with him lifetime and make him fall love with me always. There is a lot of evidence in the Quran and hadith that helps us answer this question of why we are tested. Allah is Love A. Helwa Follow the instruction (Given Below) for Allahs help to make someone love you back: Recite:Ya Wadudu Ya Raufu Ya Jalilu(O The Most Loving, O The Most Kind, O The Most Majestic) I beg of You to bring back the love of (That Person name) for me.. Todays topic is very important for You. Isnt that what true love is like? He even tells us that if we do a sin, and if we repent, He will be Oft-Forgiving and Most Merciful. We . Do this Wazifa for 11 days in a row. People will love him and he will be accepted on earth, as it says in the hadith narrated by al-Bukhaari [3209]: When Allah loves a slave, He says to Jibreel, "I love so-and-so, so love him", so Jibreel loves him and then calls out to the people of heaven, "Allah loves so . Look around you; count all the blessings Allah has blessed you with: e.g. Even if things dont go that far, relationships are filled with insecurity and a lack of commitment. That happened and I fell so deeply in love with Allah, Allah became my best friend who always listens to me and answers me without wanting anything in return. (Surah al-Shuara, Ch.26: V.4), [In other words] while thinking that these people are distant from Him and are a means of unhappiness for Him, you are killing yourself. The intent of this verse is to convey, How can I not love you when you are dying in grief at My peoples condition? (Ibid., pp. Does Allah not prove that He loves us by taking us from the darkness of nonexistence to the brightest hills of the world of existence and making us Muslims and showing the manifestations of His names to us among seven billion people? The fact that Allah (SWT) loves us is a proved event. It is for this reason that servants and workers love the kings, royals and rulers they serve, because they have inculcated the habit of working for their sake and serving them , In like manner, man should act in accordance with Gods pleasure. Someone who isnt overly complicated and knows what is right and what is wrong. Unlike a non-marital relationship, marriage is built on commitment, trust, and loyalty. Imagine that a certain individual is going through a jungle and is afflicted with an ailment which requires immediate operation. Allah says in Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 195: "And spend in the Cause of Allah (i.e. Verily the person who loves someone, will follow that person. The aforementioned verse: indicates towards this. But those who choose option (1), as difficult as it is, benefit from their tests in this life and also gain in the next life, i.e. , But We dont know how to perform them appropriately. Islam says parents to ask their kids before making plans for their marriage. Finally, its worth remembering there are examples of companions who were blessed with abundanceKhadijah, Abu Bakr, Uthman bin Affan, Abdur Rahman bin Awf, may Allah be pleased with them all! One means to attain divine love is to study nature and to reflect upon ways of attaining love and then to act upon them. By suffering in this world we come to understand how little we can bear the sufferings of the next world. Start this dua by offering Salawat (Peace and blessing upon the beloved Prophet). She did just like her mother would. Errol Morris is one of the most prodigious documentary filmmakers of our time. They run after the Dunya wanting to please people, and living a fake life in the process. There was a time in my life when I decided to shut everything and everyone down, I shut down everything. Since, Islam is the complete religion with solutions to every problem; hence Islam has answered these questions too which every human may think of at some point in life. By doing these duas, Almighty Allah (SWT) opens the doors of his mercy and accepts your Dua to make someone fall in love with you. and other invocations. Even the love that people try to avoid discussing the love between a man and a woman. When one is able to attain this and he starts recognising beauty, then God Himself reveals the pathways to His Love, for God is the Greatest Benefactor and is the Most Beautiful. Love is the central and the most important part of human emotions. I heard a scholar say the cure for ishq is the union or connection. Youll have to carry yourself and go to Allah because you will have nowhere left to go. But We have certainly tried those before them, and Allah will surely make evident those who are truthful, and He will surely make evident those who are false. [Quran 29: 2-3]. You cannot become (the Living), but you can emulate this attribute by healing and attending to the sick. For Allah loves those who put their trust (in Him). The whole point of the existence of both good and evil is the test. If you continue to use this site, you agree with it. Is Allah a Loving God? | About Islam Common Baby Sleep Challenges And How To Tackle Them Watch This Video About Dua To Make Someone Love You, How To Make Dua For Someone You Love (To Love You). Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. If you like someone and keep thinking about him all the time and feel very shy to express your feelings, you are afraid that he will reject you because he does not see you in the way you see.