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Check my single page unpublishable http://dftuz.unizar.es/~rivero/research/simple.pdf. Hope you dont mind me butting in, just thought you might like to see these facts which are so far undisputed about the film. Particles Popping Into & Out of Existence. HCI president Peter Vegso stated that in regard to this book, "What the Bleep is the quantum leap in the New Age world," and "by marrying science and spirituality, it is the foundation of future thought."[5]. Quantum mechanics, the theoretical framework of contemporary physics, is a probability algorithm. Hambling says it is likely that both the Hughes account and the story told by Pert were exaggerations of the records left by Captain Cook and the botanist Joseph Banks. John Hagelin, PhD, describes a study he did in Washington in 1992. They were showing us the pictures of the waves converging to a point a meditation trick and this picture had a caption explaining that the unified field theory has already been found. What the Bleep Do We Know!? Sensitive Water--Science or Fantasy? - Beliefnet In fact, "you are God in the making," which explains why Shirley MacLaine is a Ramtha fan. The debate here is that we'll be able to use quantum mechanics to break codes, in particular to determine the big prime numbers that are at the basis of the security of your credit cards and your bank cards. DO WE KNOW? Answer: Photographer. Often, people who are trying to sell whatever it is they're trying to sell try to justify it on the basis of science. What tH LP D (k)ow!? - RationalWiki ISHEAGU MASSACRE HISTORICAL BACKGROUND: Isheagu is a town whose origin is traceable to the Eastern part of the contraption called Nigeria. !" is a radical departure from convention. What the Bleep Do We Know!? | Movies | The Guardian 1. is a 2004 American pseudo-scientific film that posits a spiritual connection between quantum physics and consciousness. A: Of course it does. But that doesn't mean that astrology is true. " " " !". Once anything goes, you can have anything you want. Science and engineering are important for our future, and anything that engages the public can only be a good thing." based on this subject nature contained, I hold these 2 films in a very high regard. 3. unless you renew or asks nothing but . What the 'Bleep'!?:Down The Rabbit Hole - DVD Talk Amanda is a divorced woman who makes a living as a photographer. This will be revisited if any. We're bombarded by many things every second of the day, and a result, we're not specially prepared quantum mechanical systems, nor can we exert weird quantum powers over other objects. Short Range Tests of Newtons Inverse-Square Law. Some credible researchers appear, including neurologist Andrew Newberg and physicist David Albert (Albert has since disassociated himself from the film, saying his views were misrepresented). In the late eighties I remember seeing Maharishi University preprints, perhaps about flipped SU(5). What The Bleep Do We Know - Wakelet [18] A BBC reviewer described it as "a documentary aimed at the totally gullible". extrapolates from quantum physics to answer life's big questions. There's nothing wrong with that. Hidden Messages In Water Hidden Messages in . At the end of this article, Dr Simons invites readers to explore the limitations of their own brains. 'What the Bleep Do We Know?' : An insult to science and spirituality What the Bleep Do We Know!? A moment in which 'the mathematical formalisms of quantum mechanics [] are stripped of all empirical content and reduced to a set of syrupy nostrums'. Both are indeed mysterious, and their genuine mystery needs none of the hype with which this film relentlessly and noisily belabours us", concluding that the film is "tosh". is god-awful. That's its claim anyway. Hobbs also discusses Hagelin's experiment with Transcendental Meditation and the Washington DC rate of violent crime, saying that "the number of murders actually went up". Several books have been written about the film's remarkable grassroots marketing campaign, which led to its unprecedented success. But when animated, jive-talkin' human cells start dancing around in what appears to be the heroine's frontal lobe, all questions of spirituality pale before the sheer dreadfulness of this movie. Interspersed with the plot were interviews with various supposed scientists with something to say about quantum physics, consciousness, God, etc. for only $16.05 $11/page. Q. Water beamed messages of love or gratitude formed itself into lovely snowflake-like crystals; water exposed to the words "You make me sick" looks like the surface of a toxic waste pond. Amanda is a photographer, who seems to be highly skilled but not very successful professionally. What the Bleep Do We Know was directed and produced by Betsy Chasse, Mark Vicente and William Arntz, all of whom were students of Ramtha's School of Enlightenment. But most of the talking heads' quotes seem either to have a hidden agenda, or to be sliced and diced to buttress Ramtha's ideas. "What the Bleep" begins in NOVA-like fashion: galaxies swirl and scientists--we aren't told who they are until the end--expound on quantum mechanics and the nature of the universe. What The Bleep Do We Know?! - Amazon Prime Video It's certainly not. Your subscription to (Source: iStockphoto). ( ) - What the bleep Do we know The part where the scientist put water under a microscope that was sitting under the label "I hate you" or "I want to kill you" Looked distorted and dirty but water blessed by monks was uniform and beautiful. 19802023 The Christian Science Monitor. You can begin to be skeptical that the speaker is somehow trying to use quantum mechanics to argue fundamentally that you can change the world by thinking about it. If I didnt know any better, I would have thought it was something straight out of a Cheech and Chong movie. What the Bleep!?: Down the Rabbit Hole (2006) - IMDb On August 1, 2006 What the Bleep! You can't bring good things to you by thinking about them. This message will appear once per week Gripping stuff, but nothing to do with our daily lives. ft. house now used as offices), the Great Hall (a converted 15,375 sq. Pingback: Not Even Wrong Blog Archive Hidden Dimensions, Pingback: Rachels Musings Rabbit Holes and Other Oddities, Pingback: Not Even Wrong Blog Archive Philosophy of Science on Blogginheads.tv, Pingback: For "The Baby Goes Out With The Bathwater" Crowd - SLUniverse Forums. Q: But isn't everything really connected? So what better thing to have than something that gives you everything you want? Particles embracing all possible states until they are forced by an experiment to assume one state, one particle being in two adjacent places simultaneously, the inability to precisely measure a particle's position and momentum at the same time - these are just a few of the weird manifestations of quantum physics. Dr Candice Pert And if you really want to be friendly, ask me about "The Case forPluto.". Z. Knight and heavily features commentary from 'Ramtha', an ancient Atlantian general who is apparently speaking through Knight. From my perspective, once you had identtified Smolins position( I gave this in previous post[Posted by sol at September 25, 2004 04:18 PM] ), then you would know he holds Einsteins, in relation to the Solvay meetings, and strings have modified what Bohr and Schrodinger were doing in developing QM. Prominent if you go by citations that is. Nasa found something. "[5] The same article quotes Bill Pfau, Advertising Manager of Inner Traditions, as saying "More and more ideas from the New Age community have become accepted into the mainstream. Neither of them convincingly achieve this. Cast. "[20], Journalist John Gorenfeld, writing in Salon, notes that the film's three directors are students of Ramtha's School of Enlightenment, which he says has been described as a cult. I guess the difference between me and those other people is that I actually have some grasp on the concepts that the movie was trying to talk about. and What the #$*! What the #$*! Do We (K)now!? (2004) - IMDb During our current Covid19 pandemic, this collection is highly relevant to a world still seeking novel answers to the human condition and also drawn to old theories long ago debunked. We might be able to create quantum computers, for example, that will simultaneously do many different calculations at once, because the quantum world is capable of doing many things at the same time. One has already been recognized: If we do carefully prepare quantum systems, and keep them isolated, we can perform quantum magic technologically potentially on scales that we haven't been able to do before. Puppymonkeybaby proves Rubio talking point Obama is destroying have described distinct assertions made as pseudoscience. kazakore (kazakore) January 14, 2010, 6:30pm #10 Interspersed with the plot were interviews with various supposed scientists with something to say about quantum physics, consciousness, God, etc. The Christian Science Monitor has expired. BBC - Movies - review - What The Bleep Do We Know!? DVD Simon Singh called it pseudoscience and said the suggestion "that if observing water changes its molecular structure, and if we are 90% water, then by observing ourselves we can change at a fundamental level via the laws of quantum physics" was "ridiculous balderdash". Initially, the film was released in only two theaters: one in Yelm, Washington (the home of the producers, which is also the home of Ramtha), and the other the Bagdad Theater in Portland, Oregon, where it was filmed. Having watched this travesty of a movie, any real scientist worth his quarks might be gun-shy about joining the debate. Isnt Langs viewpoint in line with the sort of criticism that string theory receives at this web site? The brain wasn't born yesterday. What the Bleep Do We (K)now!? Online Trivia | W | 10 Questions Right now they use a key that's based on the products of large prime numbers, and no computer could determine the prime factors in a time shorter than the age of the universe. When they use the word 'observe', they actually mean 'interact with', not look at or think about.). Therefore people get the notion that there's no objective reality, and that you can literally impact on the external world just by doing things internally. And you'd do the study without knowing what had been 'said' to the water specimens, so your subjective opinions wouldn't colour the results. Well, people are able to undergo various transformations. 34 talking about this. 2. Philosophy Meaning of Arntz' Movie "What the Bleep Do We Know" - 850 No, that wasnt intended specifically as an attack on supersymmetric models; the fact that Hagelin worked on them isnt an argument for or against them. and of course the big guy himself, Ramtha. Invariably only about half the people tested ever notice a woman in a gorilla suit walking across the middle of the screen during the game. On the other hand, one finds 3+1, or more concretely inverse square law, to be mathematically peculiar when it refers to gravity, ie when mass is the source of the force. [12], Richard Dawkins stated that "the authors seem undecided whether their theme is quantum theory or consciousness.