Party Train To New Orleans From Birmingham, Articles T

I assume you served in Vietnam, You need to have them check you for Parkinsons disease. Pancreatic Cancer 25 years ago at only 68 years old! You will find a very good article that explains qualifications. Foc also told me that the PAHC senior executive has left and there are no more nurses to assist the doctors. So good luck to all who are still fighting the fight. I remember making small cooking fire for my Campbells Cream of Chicken soup (a Red Cross package, where my Halazone treated water turned it blue), breathing the smoke. Most counties have at least one. My husband is a Vietnam vet and has Scleroderma. feel free to reach out. Former United States Army Vietnam Veteran and President of Veterans for Peace David Cline look for his fallen comrades names on the Vietnam War Memorial with member of Veterans For Peace, during a campaign event bringing together victims of Agent Orange exposure, a deforestation chemical used in the Vietnam War, in Washington, D.C. on November 28, 2005. I guess the VA is waiting for me to check out completely. Im 43 now and one of my two sisters from a different mother has health problems as well. My dad served the US Airforce in 1952 through unknown date due to his records was burned in the 1973 fire. Sorry this award came to late, We are the care takers of what they destroyed fur what, their greed. I have hyperthyroidism from agent orange. Felton Charles Barnes, what about exposure to mad cow disease? I assumed that once a person wS 100%, there was no need to further file for illness related to agent orange. va sent me on a disk.Hell he wouldnt even do that to help you . This spraying occurred a number of times during my time at Anderson AFB in the area we called Marlboro Country. If youre alive and sick file for my family who cant. Both are tumors in the thyroid caused by AO. So what about those who served from 83 86 that got bladder cancer. Thank you for your service!!!! You wrote an exact copy of what happened to me!! After a couple years of testing and hymm hawing, they found a cancerous pocket inside my thyroid. So many of these Vietnam era vets have already passed from this BS. It seems that most veterans who submit paperwork will get denied the first time regardless of their condition or supporting evidence. New Conditions Added to Agent Orange Presumptive List January 15, 2021 Updated: January 30, 2023 Three new conditions were recently added to the list of presumptive conditions for which the Department of Veterans Affairs grants service connection to Vietnam War veterans affected by exposure to the chemical herbicide Agent Orange. You will now be able to tab or arrow up or down through the submenu options to access/activate the submenu links. Makes no sense. I did not receive any cash benefits for coming in contact with agent orange. The veteran representative we now have in our county told me that the more that happens, the greater the numbers to have it considered for approval. When did you serve in Korea? Just two two simple yes-or-no questions: Do you have the condition (in my case prostate cancer)? I was born while he was in Vietnam and served on camp Pendelton Subic bay Diego Garcia and Camp Hansen all of which are super sites with contamination. Google agent orange diseases and symptoms breakdown. What a VA. I never used the VA health System for 35 years. Have you filed everything yourself. We both came down with Hodgkins Lymphoma. a veterans office where they are located. Can you help? The VA will take about three to six months reviewing I have presumed exposure to agent orange. I have no idea if there is any support for children of Vietnam vets, but I hope there is. My 51 years of marriage Vietnam war Vet is totally debilitated in every capacities , bedridden, wheelchair bound , totally blind , etc..he required More than 100% care by me and we both are in our seventy and suffering horrific bodily pain ! VA's tactical herbicide and Agent Orange location list - New updates When will there be an admission that agent orange was stored, transported and frequently sprayed on bases in Okinawa? He lost his battle with Cancer September 2002 as his widow what can I do to see if I am eligible for his agent orange benefits? Former U.S. serviceman sentenced to 45 years for planning attack on fellow soldiers. I returned to the VA about a year ago after many of my friends urged me to do so. 2. Sol Bobst is a great guy. Yet as you suggest, they are simply waiting for us all to die off. July 2019, President Donald J. Trump issued a directive that those of us who served in the Tonkin Gulf are now considered Blue Water Navy. Age discrimination is against the law and VA can set better example by doing the right thing. You being the spouse rather than the actual veteran, you may or may not get to join. Guess it only matters how you became exposed. How about those of us that served in Okinawa and were exposed to AO on the boats that were sent from Vietnam for repairs? What about me!!! Also, Lung cancer has been a recognized Agent Orange presumptive disease for more than 20 years. Praying this morning for you and your family. You will now be able to tab or arrow up or down through the submenu options to access/activate the submenu links. He was in Vietnam in 69 as well. The base I was assigned to refueled C-130s with Agent Orange and it was used to control our foliage. That will make U.S. military veterans who were exposed to Agent Orange eligible for the VA's disability compensation benefits. Thank you for your service and sacrifice. I am now having all kinds of health/medical problems. I was around that Agent Orange. Husband had sinus and respitory issues for years. Another one of my buddies was just diagnosed with bladder cancer. We applied for benefits for ptsd also. What about the drinking water at Camp Lejeune..v and prostate cancerv, what about soldiers exposed to shlt pits in Afghanistan. Can anyone in the VA administration help me understand why COPD and other respiratory diseases are not covered for exposure to agent orange ? They didnt even recognize Agent Orange exposure back then. The calculation requires three digits but the field size only shows two digits! I cannot claim exposure to AO due to neither the Pentagon or Headquarters MC being allowed to tell the VA that I was actually in country and exposed. My regret is that he was not told what could happen and suggest test to be done Secondly we need to know more about the genetic changes. Should I apply? We lived on McClellan from about April to August 1969, so not too long, but he served there after Vietnam. (They are dumb animals that fight our foreign wars for our interest) SORRY BUT THIS WAS NAVEL INTERN BY FAR NOT A DUMB ANIMAL. At age 59 I had my first rare cancer, thyroid and later a 2nd cancer even rarer Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor in my abdomen. Youll quickly see youre not alone! But trying very hard to keep him home and providing total cares. I also drank a lot of water and ate healthy foods. No One in my family ever had hypothyroidism [Graves] so when the VA took my Thyroid from me, [and chained me to 14 medications a day for the remainder of my life] in December 1997, it was a shock to everyone in my family!!! Interestingly, my husband was approved after being diagnosed with prostate cancer. They called me in for tests numerous times and had me interviewed by a psychiatrist, but other than that I never saw a doctor at the VA. Several months passed and I received a litter from the VA in which a doctor stated that he had examined me and found no diabetes or heart disease. THAILAND, AGENT ORANGE - Veterans Law Office of Amy B. Kretkowski Sen. Sherrod Brown supports theThailand Veterans Toxic Exposure Act, a version of which was included in the Senate Veterans Affairs Committees toxic exposure bill reported out of committee in May. He served with 101st airborne in Vietnam in 67 and 68. My brother, who was a chopper pilot for the Army in all of the Sand Box regions, has been riddled with cancer for several years now due to benzene and other additives they put in the jet fuel to help make it more stable. I had asked my VA rep because a classmate of mine had this particular problem that your family has. Denied for tinnitus after action in Vietnam. Los Alamitos and ElToro. HMC, FMF, USMC, USS America [CVA66]. He worked on a base heavy with agent orange. Any Veteran who is contaminated on the Job regardless of timeframe deserves help. This mysterious delay is not helping. Exactly? Lung transplant, Nov 1st, 2014. What is going to be done for families that have already loss loved ones prior to this ruling? Dont give up! He loved the Army. Boozman, Tester Fight for Veterans Exposed to Agent Orange During Service in Thailand. Hes not. Often fence lines were sprayed to kill vegetation that may have hid the presence of enemy soldiers. Both of my brothers were born before my father was deployed and have no serious medical issues and are about as healthy as you can be. My poor wife is growing old befor her time as she struggles to keep up with my medical bills and having to tap into our meager savings in order to pay for personal care providers not covered by either the VA or Medicare. File, ASAP; they only go from initial claim date. You can file as a widow for spousal benefits. Operation restore democracy in Haiti 1994. Call: 988 (Press 1), U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs | 810 Vermont Avenue, NW Washington DC 20420. My husband and I are both 100% disabled vets and if I could increase my disability to more I would! Do it ASAP as Im sure many will be doing the same,, GOOD LUCK!!! He had prostate cancer. Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma Nevermind that he was likely suffering from the metastatic cancer for the previous few years.undiagnosed. McHenry worked for years to correct what he argued was an error in that memo, which held there was no evidence of tactical herbicides having been used at American bases in Thailand. What if your father has already died? The science now confirms the link. Camp Lejune , 6 months of 71. Without their help I doubt that it can be done!! I have been dealing with them since 2004 with no result. What about soldiers that were made to take the PB pill to inoculate us from nerve agents during Desert Shield/Desert Storm. Thank god I covered my head with my Fatigue shirt. Im 71 documented Agent Orange but no claim with VA. Im having more and more medical issues, Have filed with a VSO and was denied. what i find as unfair is my brother was in viet nam also during the same time he is getting paid for agent orange but im still being denied. Thank you. Do I have any recourse in this matter. You are eligible. 877-222-8387, TDD (Hearing Impaired) did you read the article? Why isnt high blood pressure approved as a presumptive under Agent Orange? Harmon said his sense is that once attorneys are involved, claims from veterans who served in Thailand can be settled in as quickly as six months. He is now 100% covered and we are seeing good results from the VA and their care for him. Pay them. VA says Prove it. It is not a hereditary cancer. I was turned down cold! The burn pits were operating no matter which way the wind was blowing. Charles, He was informed that they were currently without the manpower to review these claims. On Thursday, Pennsylvania Reps. Matt Cartwright (D) and Brian Fitzpatrick (R) introduced new legislation to expand the presumption of exposure to Agent Orange for disability benefits to. I also came back to Vietnam as Is blue water navy on the USS st. Louis. I have been hearing stories of other children coming down with CML of exposed Vietnam Vets. Currently, the following conditions are presumed to be caused by Agent Orange and will receive presumptive service connection for qualifying veterans stationed in Thailand: AL Amyloidosis Chronic B-cell Leukemias Chloracne Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 Hodgkin's Disease Ischemic Heart Disease Multiple Myeloma Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma Parkinson's Disease My husband, Tom Spinks died of Parkinsons Disease so I was reading about this and thought this may be a place to find Robert. I would love to find others that new him. Or is it 500 feet? Robert, you will be eligible for compensation if you have medical conditions that warrant it. Hard of hearing!! My husband was diagnosed with stage 4 bladder cancer 3 years ago. Yeah As a BT we used gallons of Toulene No respirator Had oil tank overflow on to mess deck about 1 inch deep. I was in VN 1968-69 , I have my bladder removed and prostate around 2002 at Palo Alto VA hospital in California ,all by cancer. VA will begin implementing provisions of the William M. Thornberry National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021 (Public Law 116-283), adding three conditions to the list of those presumptively associated with exposure to herbicide agents, more commonly known as Agent Orange. While they (VA) do provide the medical and scientific data to support whether the condition can be service connected or the presumptive(s) in this case, its CONGRESS that are the ultimate culprits who implement and dictate whats in the CFR and Public Law. Submit the claim Liars!!! I did all of a While I am here I am 100 % pt, I am lucky I guess it took only 8 months for my receiving Boozman, Tester Fight for Veterans Exposed to Agent Orange During Thats what we do; we get creative, Mineer said. So besides having survived Vietnam, there was Aniston. What happed to all of us poisoned at Marine Corps base Camp Lejeune NC? Sorry for your loss. Advertisement. Both his parents lived to the age of 96. I sent in my biopsy showing prostate cancer and my Bronze Star commendation for service in country. A spokeswoman for the Air Force said neither the author of the AFHRA memo nor anyone else was available for an interview. Good luck! US kept all the Nerve gas and Orange on the Island until 1995. Isnt the esophagus part of the air intake (respiratory) system??????!!!!! THANK YOU- Christopher Cross Vietnam 69 and 70. was wondering what you have to do die to get something done. In early 2012 he was diagnosed with bladder cancer, liver cancer and it was in his bones also. He was diagnosed with bladder cancer and prostate cancer. My three sons and some of the grandchildren are at risk and indeed have some unusual conditions. So, just because youre not a veteran doesnt mean Agent Orange didnt effect you. I know a Roberto Bustamante in Tampa Fl. But proving it isnt always possible, others say. I was told that unless I had diabetes, cancer there was nothing they could do. My dad was poisoned by AO during the war doing decon of planes from Vietnam. 3. This is from a person who has zero family history of hypothyroidism. Smfh!! I would rather have died instantly on the battlefield with glory than suffer daily this slow death from Parkinsons developed from the toxic exposure from water at Camp Lejeune. I also filed a claim for bladder cancer in 2010 and was denied. Agent Orange is one of several "tactical herbicides" used by the U.S. military during Operation Ranch Hand, a multi-year chemical warfare operation during the Vietnam War. Fumes over came and some had to be taken out in to fresh air. While bombs and loud guns firing every were. Every claim submission needs to provide three things: a current medical diagnosis; evidence of an event/injury/medical condition in the Vets service medical records; and a nexus from a doctor linking the former to the latter. Im currently suffering neurological problems, at first diagnosed as Parkinsons and later as an undiagnosed Parkinson-like syndrome. "In the United States, we take care of our fellow Americans who have been harmed in the course of their military service. Office of Accountability & Whistleblower Protection, Training - Exposure - Experience (TEE) Tournament, Military Exposure Related Health Concerns, War Related Illness & Injury Study Center, Clinical Trainees (Academic Affiliations), benefits related to Agent Orange exposure, Call TTY if you A locked padlock Some are just collecting a paycheck. Will she possibly be eligible for benefits of the new changes? I have no family history of Diabetes, Polycythemia Vera or Carcinoid Cancer, so I think the VA is wrong. Sudden come down with Hypothyroidism -Hashimotos version With leaky gut! I try to kick it by running and staying healthy but to no avail. The investigation did confirm use or tests in additional sites and dates in other locations. I refuse to die just to piss them off! Four years later, it gets approved and I file my claim on 1 March.. I also served on an Aircraft Carrier, USS Kearsarge as a Flight Deck Director, Yellow shirt from 9/67 to 5/68 and had HS6 Search and Rescue and HC7 Combat Search and Rescue HOMEBASED on our ship. 800-829-4833, Veterans Crisis Line: During the daily exposure of ground hull bare nonskid surface, we were subject to a daily cloud of toxic particulate matter with only minimal safety protection. Skinner acknowledges that he can get health care from the VA. My husband was also a Vietnam soldier and contracted every desease that you can get from Agent orange but the VA was paying for all the desease that were connected with agent orange , you just have to file a claim for each sickness , please do it , they will take responsibility they did for my husband until he passed this January 2021. But, the side affects still exist and the damage is done and on going. This toxic exposure was preventable. Seems like mission is to dissuade veterans. We have suffered similar ailments. I have had experiences with the VA similar to yours. Wasnt Agent Orange used in Vietnam? However, there was a terrible consequence: Exposure to Agent Orange resulted in cancer, birth defects, and other significant ailments. Poway, Calif. attorney Amanda Mineer recalled working on one case in which she and her team had to introduce into evidence a photo of a sailor taking a photographic selfie of himself on a ship as that ship crossed the equator, with barrels of Agent Orange nearby, visible in the photo. If none of these is a match, please let me know so I wont continue to look for a reply from you. I was proud to restore many F 111 A fighters environmental systems back to peak efficiency. Id be contacting your advocate asap and get your claim going! He developed T1 diabetes and died in 1996. Version Date: 8/11/22 . How do I start a claim? Why are we waiting 5 months to this to be awarded? Wednesday, March 10, 2021. I am looking for Robert? Im 75 and i am sick and tired of being lied too. is not going to do anything unless forced tothen they will make a big deal about it,make sure everyone knows,then after a year maybe 2 they will start to reduce benefits, I have recurring bladder cancer, since 2005 it has come back several times, and also several times with precancerous cells that has to be lasered out,went from 100% reduced to 60% because the V.A. Sent in all the medical records most of which were already on his profile. Im not sure if VA has put me into the exposed group. Boozman, Tester Fight for Veterans Exposed to Agent Orange During 877-222-8387, TDD (Hearing Impaired) Im a child of a deceased Vietnam vet. My husband did 2 tours in Vietnam and we were in the process of trying to see if he qualified for disability at but he died before we got to far along. And BTW! Dad wanted his compensation to go to his daughters . Catherine, you and other children of vets have to keep filing with related conditions in order for the VA to show a heredity correlation to the disease to base the approval. your claim. He had only 2 children, my brother and I. Because the government claims it was never there I have had no success in being compensated. Client Win: CAVC No. 20-4843, C.Smith v. McDonough (Agent Orange I resubmitted my claim July2019. I feel like Charlie Brown kicking his football and our government is Lucy and like Lucy our government will pull the rug out from all of us. Please switch auto forms mode to off. The timeframe addition is discrimination within our own ranks and we dont do that. How is sht burning not considered exposure to particulate matters? Is this true? If you know of. God help us! But we did. They are deservedly receiving help for diseases as a result of the exposure. I know he was in Khe Sahn and went on to the DMZ by the time he got out of Nam. We also had Downs baby and a miscarriage also from Agent Orange. What about glioblastoma brain? They said in May 2012 they declared 100% disabled with the cancer. I got nothing for that. VA will be publishing the PACT Act Performance Dashboard every other Friday to measure the implementation of PACT Act and showcase its impact on Veterans and survivors. Having any of these conditions is not fun and thanking us for our service doesnt help much. go to a VA clinic or hospital and get registered with the VA Health System. 100 percent service connected. I came into contact with Agent Orange when footage was burned off in the northern parts of the island. I served there in 1975-76 and returned in 1988 and stayed until retirement in 1992. Were going to try to right a wrong, Trone said. The age group I am in seems to greatly effected with neuropathy and because we are not diabetics, the VA will not consider this ailment as a cause of Agent Orange. I do not have diabetes either. For anyone that has questions about a claim, or their eligibility for VA benefits, you should reach out to your local VSO. A lock ( Our 29 year old son has CML Leukemia I believe from Agent Orange. U.S., South Korea to revive large-scale military drills amid North Korea threat, Deadly storms leave more than a million without power as weather system moves east, Judge sentences Alex Murdaugh to life in prison without parole. He was told they needed to review the deck logs to prove I was there. My name is Nicole Coon. I served aboard an aircraft carrier in Southeast Asia from 1972-1973. You also have to The VA did well with him in his final years. A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. THANKS FOR POSTING THIS FOR THE VETERNS IN NEED OF HELP. Over two years in one place. USMC 67-71. I have only 50% due to diabetes and diabetic neuropathic . VA Mantra, Deny, Deny, Deny Until The Veteran Dies. When my husband died in 2010, he couldnt even find the paperwork to apply for a grave marker. Skinner said the denial was frustrating. I served in Vietnam in Long Binh and Saigon area from Nov 1966 thru Oct 1967 in the Army and had Agent Orange sprayed me many times. Enlisted USMC, 2nd BN, 26th Marines, 9th MAB (Battalion Landing Team), I-Corp, 1968-69, Combat Field Radio (PRC-25) Radio Operator. In the same time frame as my Prostate claim submission I was diagnosed and had subsequent surgery for Bladder Cancer. At around 60 I took on the fight which took 14 months of going through their hoops, fighting for assistance. Pour toulene on rag, wipe up, and repeat. Chisholm said he and like-minded attorneys representing veterans who served in Thailand are winning these cases one at a time, but with detailed evidence, detailed arguments, detailed affidavits. Christopher Cross. McDonough (Agent Orange exposure in Thailand) This case involved a US Army veteran (1967 to 1971) who was seeking service connection for hypertension, congestive heart failure, Type II diabetes, stroke, and atrial fibrillation due to agent orange exposure in Thailand during the Vietnam war. to leave the ship and make his way home to his wife and daughter. Politicians carry responsibility also. Nobody in my family, parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, nor their children, has what I have. I called later and was told that the VA had all the information that they needed from me. Will his claim be reviewed now in light of the new findings? I only get the run around when I call. In Thailand, Agent Orange was used to clear the jungle around bases, as a means to enhance security. She could very well be eligible for benefits. And now that theyre all almost gone to pass this. Be Well, Steve. These men and women, and their families, have had to wait too damn long for this acknowledgement!!! Hard of hearing as well. Chronic B-Cell Leukemia Steven, if you have not yet, check out Children of Vietnam Veterans Health Alliance on Facebook. I also inquired about a dental cleaning which I have been getting off campus. I am not judging your entitlement or claim validity. i received my disability for heart and Diabeties II. He use to say they would spray agent orange below the hills he was on to control the jungle below them. It should be no different in the case of the Vietnam veterans exposed to Agent Orange," Cartwright said in the same statement. I served in Vietnam 1970-71. About 10 years ago I filed with the VA and brought my medical records from my own doctors. When I filed my clame and had the physical in Detroit I am proud of my service in the navy, however, our government did a poor job of protecting us while we served. Come guys -get serious you know it was all over that island! as a fully developed claim if you can do that, they process those first.