I never had any major dental issues until after taking this medication. I already suffered with major depression before my teeth were destroyed and now it's substantially worse. We both started taking subutex at the same time and now,years later, we are both about to get dentures. Toothache here and there and I hate 2 root canals didnt think anything of it. I wish I wouldve known this was going to happen. People could start by telling the truth. This is ridicules and the manufactures needs to be held accountable for this. It's taken over my life. I've been in Suboxone since 2012. So i need help cause my insurance is medicade and work at a grocery store with 5 kids to work for. The makers of this drug should be held accountable for this harm. Same I started out with the tablets in 2010 and a year later I had rotten teeth. I am 45 years old and due to the Suboxone strips I've been taking, I recently just had to have all my teeth pulled and get dentures. I had all my dental repairs up to date and during the past 5 years on suboxone my teeth have gotten horrible. Indivior ponies up $300M to put Suboxone marketing allegations to bed Before starting these, I had perfect teeth! My confidence is gone. My teeth were damn near perfect before I started the tablets in late 2018 then my dr. moved me to strips as my body wasnt metabolizing the tablets well. Once they found the source of the issue my body had physically become dependant and the withdrawals were pure hell but I never moved to street or IV drugs so no that isn't the reason my teeth started breaking off. I was never warned of this being a sid[Show More]I too have been on Suboxone sublingual tablets and films since 2008 and I only had 2 fillings and one crown before starting the medication. No withdrawals! This is a very low requirement, but it keeps out posts from scammers that try to use our sub to scam people out of money by pretending to sell suboxone or other drugs. I want to join a class action lawsuit regarding suboxone because of my Patients with opioid use disorder (OUD) may have a higher incidence of poor dental health;4however, many cases described severe dental issues in patients with no reported prior history of dental problems (n=26). I've been on suboxone long term and was not once told that my teeth were at risk of decay. Someone owes me they didn't warn me of this ! I was on drugs for many years, and my teeth only started rapidly decaying after trying to get better on Suboxone. This was of course, a lie. I cannot get used to that. Yazdanian M, Armoon B, Noroozi A, Mohammadi R, Bayat AH, Ahounbar E, et al. Suboxone is sold in dosages of 30 pills or a supply of two days, depending on the type of sublingual film (the small plastic film is thin, square shaped, and unobtrusive). I am so depressed about my teeth. I developed almost 20 cavities in 6 months being on this stuff. I've had painful infections and several root canals. Id love to know how many other people were told by dentists and doctors that it doesnt affect the teeth(2002-2017). This also has caused severe depression. I too have been on Suboxone sublingual tablets and films since 2008 and I only had 2 fillings and one crown before starting the medication. Now, when the hell is someone gonna give a crap enough to move forward with representation for us? I had one cavity until I started having problems in my 40s. One by one, my teeth started falling out. It's no coincidence that I've lost only bottom teeth considering that they are more exposed to the Suboxone as it dissolves. I've been prescribed them for 9.5 years now. Getting too embarrassed to even go in a store much less work. I wouldve never of gotten on Suboxone. Dental caries and periodontal disease among people who use drugs: a systematic review and meta-analysis. I have four teeth remaining on my lowers, and they are also beyond repair. In addition, although most of the cases were in patients using transmucosal buprenorphine products for OUD, there was a subset of patients (n=28) who experienced severe dental adverse events while receiving pain-only indicated products (e.g., Belbuca) or stated the indication was for pain. Currently have 3.5 teeth left which will be removed next month so I can get dentures. I am barely 50 years old and have to wear a complete upper denture. I never had a single cavity until age 39, and Im only 45. I was prescribed Suboxone several times from 2010 to 2028. Doc changed me back to my old meds as of today. Otherwise, the judge will just say its up to you to take care of your teeth after you put stuff in your mouth probably, I dunno Theres something to thisprobably in 20 years from now theyll admit to it. They should be held responsible for many people for not warning patients of the dental risk. I'm sorry there's so many ignorant morons on your thread. I had perfectly healthy teeth before taking this poison. I was never informed of any concerns that it may cause any dental problems, everyone should have been told about the risk before prescribing. I have been on this medication for several years and TONS of issues with my teeth all the way from having multiple filling to even having teeth pulled! There is no basis for a lawsuit, and frankly, it is not the solution to your predicament. To get a brand spanking new set of teeth will set her and my father back thousands and thousands. We both started taking subutex at the same time and now,years later, we are both about to get dentures. I have been prescribed Suboxone for 4 years. If you are wondering what to do, start bu calling the FDA and reporting it to a real person. From my experience its more like 3/4 have issues(so should say most). Its only my bottom 2 teeth. I wish I wouldve known this was going to happen. The site is secure. After the medication has fully dissolved in the oral mucosa, patients should gently rinse their teeth and gums with water and then swallow. I will get a lawsuit going one way or another. I have permanent infection in my jaw/gums that just won't go away even after finishing antib[Show More]I've been on suboxone since 2012 and my teeth are complete shit now. In 10 years I've never once had a medical provider tell me about the potential dental problems caused by this medication. Well imagine my surprise when I find out that this crisis of mine is actually a nationwide epidemic. I have four teeth remaining on[Show More]My husband and I both started taking Suboxone in 2015. This is amazing yet when I started reaching out to doctor about the potential risks of tooth decay (as i had started experiencing rapid tooth decay and loss of teeth) I was told time and time again that suboxone doesnt do this. Four members of my family have been on subutex for about 6 years some . Today, Miriam Delphin-Rittmon, Ph.D., Assistant Secretary for Mental Health and Substance Use and the leader of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), released the following statement in response to recent FDA guidance on how to prevent the use of buprenorphine from leading to tooth decay. Well imagine my surprise when I find out that this crisis of mine is actually a nationwide epidemic. I was on drugs for almost 10 years and never had any problems with my teeth until I started taking suboxen now all my teeth are rotting breaking apart and I can't afford to fix them.the pain is unbearable sometimes. The companies agreed to pay $60 million to consumers to settle the FTC charges. The first broken tooth happened in 2020 which was over a year after suboxone was prescribed to me. Or if its the strips. Within months they all started falling out. Everyone should have all their dental procedures paid for including Implants because this medication is the SOLE reason my teeth are destroyed!!! I am having major expensive dental issues and have lost numerous teeth. I had perfect teeth before starting them, not even a single cavity. Theres a lot more at play than just taking care of your teeth. I could not figure out why in the world I was losing my teeth! Now it finally makes sense. After researching this issue, I have learned that Suboxone weakens the bones around the teeth, thereby loosening the teeth, and they fall out. So anyone saying just brush your teeth bro needs to get out. I was not an opiode abuser but am taking suboxone for chronic pain. It landed me in the ER 3 times. Avvo Rating: 10. I never had any dental issues until I started suboxone and no one informed me that this could be a side effect. If you have a class action lawsuit going, I volunteer as your star witness. Im so heartbroken. Literally. I'm down to soft food only, and eve[Show More]I began taking suboxone in 2007, I have never taken more than a 1/4 of a strip at a time, I have lost all the top molars on one side of my mouth, 2 on the other, all the teeth along my gum line are black, and the only 2 teeth I have left that fit together and can chew with, are completely hollowed out and I'm unable to chew anything hot, cold, or crunchy at all. After the medicine is completely dissolved, take a large sip of water, swish it gently around your teeth and gums, and swallow. I am only 30 years old. My mother took belbuca for 10 months and now has had to have numerous teeth pulled and replaced by implants, in addition to gum infections, and oral including tongue infections. I needed it for 2 weeks. Buprenorphine Class Action Lawsuit FREE Confidential Case Evaluation To contact us for a free review of your potential case, please fill out the form below or call us toll free 24 hrs/day by dialing: (866) 223-3784. I started taking Suboxone 5 years ago and only had a couple cavities my entire life prior. I had a beautiful smile, and I worked in professional positions, which I can no longer do. Should I still be worried about tooth decay cause the whole reason I switched to sublocade is because suboxone, any other film, and zubzolv all hurt my teeth the second I took them after a couple years taking 1 or the other. A lawsuit against hair relaxer manufacturers claims a Michigan woman developed uterine cancer and endometrial cancer due to exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals used in hair straightener formulas. I never smile if i do i turn my head away from people and have to get antibiotics for infections. At bo point was I EVER warned that this medication would destroy not only my smile but my pride, self worth, mental health, marriage the list goes on and on. Always pain and Infection. we both have had to go to the dental school to obtain dental services, and you can all but imagine the torture we have had to endure. They should also schedule a visit with their dentist soon after starting to use this drug and inform their dentist they are taking buprenorphine. Its devastating absolutely devastating to lose your teeth this young after having a beautiful smile. I was always complimented when I was younger about how straight and white my teeth were. class Action Lawsuit going so maybe we can get the money due to us to fix our destroyed teeth. I used opiates for a year before starting suboxone. However, the FDA indicates there have been more than 300 cases of tooth decay and dental problems reported among patients, most commonly involving tooth decay among users in their 40s, but dental problems have also been seen among those as young as 18 years old. Buprenorphine works by changing the way the brain and nervous system respond to pain. My name is Crystal fox. Everyone knows how long you have to wait for a den. Thanks a lot!!! But tooth decay can be prevented with a few simple adjustments. I have been using suboxone since 2008. The relationship between suboxone and tooth loss is well-documented, and it probably due to the drying effect of the buporphedrine component of suboxone. Im thinking my teeth are heading in the same direction. Next month I have to have a procedure costi[Show More]Ive been on suboxone 4 years and have had to get all my teeth removed, 2 dental surgeries, and am in the process of getting dentures or denture implants. Had all my top teeth pulled year ago. However, it has WRECKED my teeth. One broke off at the gum line, I just went to the dentist this week and they referred me to an oral suergon , the tooth next to that has a chunk that fell out & they are trying to do a root canal (if my insurance appro. Your comment will still be posted, just with a slight delay! my husband and I have both been prescribed Suboxone for several years with no knowledge of potential tooth decay, my husband lost all his teeth, and now has dentures at 31, and I also have had multiple fillings and teeth pulled, and issues. If you were to look at our photos From then till now, it would not look like two people who were Free from opioid addiction; living a normal and healthy lifestyle. Unfortunately this is the only dental care that is even remotely affordable. It is important to know that people respond differently to all medicines depending on their health, other medicines they are taking, the diseases they have, genetic factors, and many other reasons. Suboxen saved my life, but if I would have known about the withdrawals and the tooth decay I would have never started taking them. I cannot get used to that. Regular adherence to buprenorphine to treat OUD reduces withdrawal symptoms and the desire to use opioids, without causing the cycle of highs and lows associated with opioid misuse. Consecutively for the last 5 years. They are available as single-ingredient products and also in combination with naloxone. With all of that being said. Ive had to get therapy for depression and crippling social anxiety. I used opiates for a year before starting suboxone. Patients should be advised to wait at least 1 hour before brushing their teeth. I have taken Subutex/Suboxone for about 15 years as an off label prescription for pain. It's embarrassing and cost me over 12k in total Never in my life did i even have a cavity my smile was my pride. I cant afford to help her pay for implants or dentires. This also has cau. To get a brand spanking new set of teeth will set her and my father back thousands and thousands. I've been on suboxone since 2012 and my teeth are complete shit now. Continue taking your buprenorphine medicine as prescribed; do not suddenly stop taking it without first talking to your health care professional as it could lead to serious consequences. Lawyers review cases nationwide. As a result, buprenorphine can help prevent opioid withdrawal symptoms, as well as decrease intense cravings for opiates like heroin or painkillers. In and out of rehabs nothing really worked for me until Suboxone. Literally. Whether you use Suboxone short-term or long-term; for Medication Assisted Treatment, pain management, or recreationally; are interested in starting Suboxone or just have someone in your life who takes Suboxone, you are welcome here! I would appreciate help holding someone responsible for this. FTC Returns Nearly $60 Million to Those Suffering from Opioid Addiction I was never warned. I used to have such a pretty smile and I'm so insecure about it now yet I'm terrified to get them all pulled. Can I sue the makers of suboxone for total teeth decay? My confidence is gone. Now I have gaps where my teeth used to be, and also broken teeth that fall out in chunks. FDA is warning that dental problems such as tooth decay, cavities, oral infections, and loss of teeth have been reported with buprenorphine medicines that are dissolved in the mouth to treat opioid use disorder (OUD) or pain. I was never told that subutex would ruin my teeth but it's clear now. In my 20s-30s not normal. I am told it will cost me at least $5,000 just to get in the door to get started. We were never informed that to get clean it would cost us our smiles. Many cases reported a combination of dental decay, tooth loss, and tooth fractures in numerous teeth. Suboxone gave me part of my life back, but took my smile!! Same I started in 2012 and I had perfect teeth before never any problems. I have been on belbuca for 2 years. I have been unable to stop using this drug because the withdrawal is excruciating. I was never told or notified that this could be a potential side effect or issue. i have false teeth ,just one month ago . People often refer to us as the happiest couple theyve ever known; I would say the happiest people who never smile. In the beginning, when my first few molars began crumbling, I was told its not related. The benefits of buprenorphine medicines clearly outweigh the risks, particularly in the treatment of OUD. My teeth are a mess. The teeth were not fixable. After 9 years of being on Suboxone my smile is something I intentionally hide from the world out of fear of being judged or made fun of. It can help sustain recovery and prevent or reduce opioid overdose. Booked another appointment at a different place wait 6 months the oral surgeon had a baby and wont be in. Like the other comments I to have been on this medication for a couple of years know before my teeth were ok and now I have only four teeth left my doctor brought this to my attention about this medication causing tooth decay and rotting teeth it blew me away to here this I can't afford dentures if I would of knew this I may not have started using it I think there should be compensation for de, Like the other comments I to have been on this medication for a couple of years know before my teeth were ok and now I have only four teeth left my doctor brought this to my attention about this medication causing tooth decay and rotting teeth it blew me away to here this I can't afford dentures if I would of knew this I may not have started using it I think there should be compensation for dental cost and are lively hood I can't eat anything with out hurting, Im reading these comments and its scary how much they sound like my wife and me. I used to be a model and musician, however, since I lost my teeth I also lost any confidence and have not played any concerts since my face feels complete alien to me. Im online often and didnt see it once. My teeth began to deteriorate while on subs too. The estimated number of prescriptions dispensed from U.S. outpatient retail and mail-order pharmacies increased from 11 million in 2014 to 16 million in 2020. No need to fund a study brother, somebody already did. I was told I have prettty much no enamel on my teeth.. Now I stuck at 32 with no teeth and cant af. I have been unable to stop using this drug because the withdrawal is excruciating. Buprenorphine medicines are an important tool to treat OUD. I need help because its not fair I was never told of these consequences of this med or any alternatives so it didnt happen. No doctor ever mentioned that this was an issue nor was it in my prescription info pamplet. My husband and I both started taking Suboxone in 2015. Women diagnosed with cancer may be eligible for settlement benefits. So i need help cause my insurance is medicade and work at a grocery store with 5 kids to work for. I have been on and off of suboxone for over 10 years. I would have gone a different route if I would have been told that this medication would result in the total loss of my teeth. I have paid the dentist so much money for root canals and crowns and posts and fillings!!! Its not just our teeth thats missing, ..its our lives. I never had a single cavity until age 39, and Im only 45. Once they found the source of the issue my body had physically become dependant and the withdrawals were pure hell but I never moved to street or IV drugs so no that isn't the reason my teeth started breaking off. Suboxone Settlement | Federal Trade Commission A new mouth you say? I know its the suboxone. The worst part is that I don't have the money to get my teeth fixed! She has been Suboxone free for 12+ years. I always thought it was linked to my drug abuse history but now it makes more sense that it is linked to the meds. I never had any major dental issues until after taking this medication. I been on suboxone for almost 3 years now and yes it has saved my life but also now my teeth are all crumbling and breaking. I unfortunately lost all of my teeth 4 years ago not knowing it was suboxone. I could not figure out why in the world I was losing my teeth! What now??? On top of being dependent on Suboxone, she lost her front tooth while on vacation in Florida. I feel everyone here's pain. I am not 31 years old and am having horrible dental problems. [Show More]I have been on suboxone for almost 4 years and I am 4 years sober. Your dentist can customize a tooth decay prevention plan for you. My prescribing doctor just told my about the potential of losing teeth as a result of using Subutex in February 2022. I have lost a lot of weight because it is too painful to eat because of the decay and teeth broken off into pieces in my gums! I have been prescribed suboxone, both the tabs and films, first time was in 2013, I am currently still on the films. Over a span of 2 years, I have lost 3 healthy teeth as a result of taking Suboxone. Rant over. I refused to take anymore. Oh no! Im only 37 and am completely toothless and have paid over $3000 for dental work and still have lots more to go. They should then wait at least one hour before brushing their teeth to avoid damage and to give their mouth a chance to return to its natural state, the FDA warning indicates. I had struggled with IV drug use since 2009. I have been on suboxone for 4 years, i didn't have dental problems until I started, iam only 39 yrs old, now everyone of mine has tooth decay or broken and missing and it is so hard to be able to afford getting them fixed. All of these comments are EXACTLY the same experience my husband and I have had. This also has caused severe depression. Two cracked and one in the FRONT, popped out and caught it in my hand. I was never warned of this being a side effect I even used to read the booklet they had on the bottle for the Drs. First Name * Last Name Email * Case Description FREE Confidential Case Review The embarrassment and shame I feel is unbearable!! I have been on suboxone for almost 4 years and I am 4 years sober. As a dental professional Im sickened by the effects Ive seen due to this medication. Over the years I have had 3 teeth rot down to the gums and 3 or 4 that have broken apart about halfway down. Despite these risks, buprenorphine is an important treatment option for opioid use disorder (OUD) and pain, and the benefits of these medicines clearly outweigh the risks. Benefits for use outweigh these risks and oral care can help. If you are wondering what to do, start bu calling the FDA and reporting it to a real person. Been Prescribed Suboxone as medicated assisted treatment program Im losing my teeth and withdrawal symptoms keep me afraid of coming off of Suboxone Im trying as we speak to wean but its been years now and I hate it does nothing for me. Now, I rarely smile and when I do I cover my mouth! I have spent 30k trying to save them! People could start by telling the truth. Now, I rarely smile and when I do I cover my mouth! 2.5 million people in the U.S. taking Suboxone. Class action lawsuit. I'm 38 yes old and it has ruined everything about my life! On Buprenorphine for almost 3 years. I stopped suboxone and went back to the methadone clinic bc in order to get the white Subutext pills (originals) u either had to be pregnant or nursing or have Hepatitis. In 2019 and 2020, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) reached settlements with the companies responsible for Suboxone, a prescription drug used to treat opioid addiction. I'm down to soft food only, and even that is almost impossible anymore. I have been prescribed suboxone, both the tabs and films, first time was in 2013, I am currently still on the films. I wish they would have told me about this when I first started the medicine 6 years ago and before it destroyed almost every Toth in my mouth.